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Thread: Update for TPYPR's friends

  1. #1

    Default Update for TPYPR's friends

    For some reason Roger's thread is gone. I just thought I would share a picture I got from Roger of his new location that he affectionately refers to as "Fort Survival".

    The stacks of boxes are items from his trailer. He has been busy adding more items to the pile from two storage units that he can no longer afford to rent. He got a mower and mowed down some of the thistles in the field around his "camp" and he seems in good humor. He said to say HI to all of you and thank you for your prayers. A few people have sent cards and he wants them to know also he is very grateful for their friendship and words of support and cheer. He said he really misses his computer.

    FYI....it has been over 100 degrees most days lately in his field. I'm sure I would be no where near as cheerful has he sounds when I have been able to talk to him. He just celebrated his 61st birthday on July 2nd.

  2. #2


    Let's hope that something turns up for him really soon that heat must be unbearable with no shade in sight. Do you know what happened to his trailer in the end when the chap didn't turn up to move it ?

  3. #3
    Forum Saint klj's Avatar
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    Gosh, poor Roger. What a mess for him. Please keep telling him we are all sending our best wishes.

  4. #4
    Forum Saint victorfrank's Avatar
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    Well, good luck to Roger; he certainly desrves it. I still find it disgraceful what has happened to him.

  5. #5

  6. #6


    Do you know what happened to his trailer in the end when the chap didn't turn up to move it ?
    A lawyer for the trailer park is telling him that he will not be able to move the trailer any longer..... that it has been abandoned and belongs to the park now. His neighbors said the park was "washing" it and had it padlocked even though he was suppose to have 15 days to get his remaining items out of it. Roger still wants to move it and had saved money from his Census job to have it professionally moved. Supposedly the guy is still suppose to do that, but he sounds resigned to believing it is not going to happen.

    I still find it disgraceful what has happened to him.
    And I agree with you VF....... someone complained to enforcement about his living in his van, but he has no where else to go and even the man who spoke to him recognizes that. At this point if they throw him in jail at least he'd be cool, fed and clean.

  7. #7
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    please tell Roger im thinking of him and sending prayers his way..(((Roger)))

  8. #8


    Sorry Baggage.....there was a thread in this forum that Roger started but for some reason it has disappeared. Roger started it to let his friends know that he would be off line for awhile. Right now that is beginning to look like for a long while.

    He had recently been employed by the Census Bureau and had just reached the max for the area he could take information from. He has been struggling for awhile with money..... trying to get by making and selling fudge out of his trailer.(He had the use of a certified kitchen to prepare the fudge.) He had just about caught up on his back rent everywhere and bills when the trailer park told him they would no longer allow him to stay in their park since he was unemployeed again(census job had ended) so they set an eviction date.

    The short of it is that he was evicted, but he owned the trailer and had hoped to move it to a small patch of land he owns from his parents estate. He had that scheduled to happen and the day he had to move the movers didn't show up. Now it looks like he has lost his trailer too..... but he was able to move most of the contents of the trailer to the land and is living there in his van besides his worldly goods.

    The story gets worse though because in the meantime he had a storage place sell two large trailer units full of his auto parts from a business he owned before he took to taking care of his dying mother. That should not have happened, but legally getting some recourse is probably a useless excercise. But it means he lost what he owned of value that might have helped him out of this financial problem. There's more woes......but the end result is the same.

    Roger is 61...unemployeed and living in his van illegally beside a pile of his possessions in the California foothills near Red Bluff. He still has a P O Box there and for the time being I have been able to get a hold of him on a cell phone after 9PM his time nights or on weekends when he gets free minutes. How much longer he will be able to pay for the phone I don't know. He's trying to get unemployment and is looking for a job, but the area he is in is one of the worst in California with something over 50% unemployeed. He's got some schemes and plans......mostly he is asking his friends for prayers. So that's what has happened.

    I added to the thread when I spoke to him after he asked permission to send me some prints he unearthed moving the items in his trailer to the land. I also got his address and offered it to any who wanted to PM me to send him a card with well wishes. I don't understand how he is able to stay in such good spirits, but he is.
    Last edited by rainbowseeker; 6th July 2009 at 08:56 PM.

  9. #9
    Forum Master earthangel's Avatar
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    I didn't know him at all, but Roger sounds like an inspirational person. I wish him well. I pray his troubles will soon be resolved favourably.
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  10. #10


    Is there an address where we can contact him?

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