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Type: Posts; User: epeeist36

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  1. Replies

    Re: ✿ eBid blogs, blogging, bloggers list ✿

    Hi ByKimbo, I think I posted a link to my blog - can't find my post though, so possibly I didn't!

    Anyway, I'll try again

    Mostly blogging about teddy...
  2. Replies

    Re: ✿ eBid blogs, blogging, bloggers list ✿


    I would love my blog to be added to the list - it's still fairly new but I hope that it will grow over the coming months! It's mostly about bears but will probably feature some of my other...
  3. Re: YDC 86 Pimp Thread - Shelterbox 24th - 28th March 2011

    Thank you for all the lovely comments about the elephant, I really enjoyed making him and I'm glad he's going to a good home!

    I've had lots of fun returning to the YDC and hope lots of money is...
  4. Re: YDC 86 Pimp Thread - Shelterbox 24th - 28th March 2011

    Final addition to the elephant story - it has a tail now. So it really is completed, which is good since the auction closes in 40 mins! Goes so fast!! Read the full story of the mystery elephant on...
  5. Re: YDC 86 Pimp Thread - Shelterbox 24th - 28th March 2011

    It's very tricky checking ticks on closing auctions while trying to sew a tail onto an elephant! But I managed both on this occasion.... without holes in my fingers! :D
  6. Re: YDC 86 Pimp Thread - Shelterbox 24th - 28th March 2011

    Time is creeping on.... another YDC nearly done! I'm sooooo glad I came back this time it's been great! And I've really enjoyed making the elephant and posting updates! Thanks to all the bidders so...
  7. Re: YDC 86 Pimp Thread - Shelterbox 24th - 28th March 2011

    Thanks for all the bids on the "mystery" elephant - I have now completed the embroidery on the blanket (may have got a teeny bit carried away as usual!) and the elephant's all ready for a new home!...
  8. Re: YDC 86 Pimp Thread - Shelterbox 24th - 28th March 2011

    Nearly-final photos of the now-not-so-mysterious elephant! All the sewing is completed with eyes and ears in place. I am just completing the embroidery on the blanket and then it'll be done.
  9. Re: YDC 86 Pimp Thread - Shelterbox 24th - 28th March 2011

    Quick update on mystery elephant's progress.... He/she is now stuffed and looking more like an elephant!

    22947 22948

    I have chosen eyes and positioned the ears but will wait for the stuffing...
  10. Re: YDC 86 Pimp Thread - Shelterbox 24th - 28th March 2011

    Realised that I hadn't updated this to say the foot pads are done! Yay! My least favourite job when making bears etc - "the paw-pad maketh the bear" as they say! But not quite so bad on a slightly...
  11. Re: YDC 86 Pimp Thread - Shelterbox 24th - 28th March 2011

    Good morning!

    Update on progress of the mystery elephant - sewing completed except for the foot pads, which I thought I'd leave until I was a little more awake! For the full story of progress so...
  12. Re: YDC 86 Pimp Thread - Shelterbox 24th - 28th March 2011

    Ah yes - I just looked! They have obviously improved it - I'm sure I remember having to upload to Photobucket or something...

    22889 22890

    Chosen fabrics and the pieces cut and ready to sew!
  13. Re: YDC 86 Pimp Thread - Shelterbox 24th - 28th March 2011

    Right - back for a quick update on the mystery elephant! He is slowly becoming less of a mystery!

    After a good rummage (and only getting occasionally sidetracked - "ooooh! I'd forgotten I had...
  14. Re: YDC 86 Pimp Thread - Shelterbox 24th - 28th March 2011

    After many months of absence I am finally listing an item in the YDC! Yay!

    But as it caught me totally unprepared as usual I am being a little cheeky and listing an item that is not only not...
  15. Replies

    Thank you! I'm glad you like them!

    Thank you! I'm glad you like them!
  16. Replies

    Just a quick plug for my Christmassy bears! A...

    Just a quick plug for my Christmassy bears! A lovely Santa and an adorable angel bear would love a new home for Christmas!

    20359 20360

    Lots of other bears also looking for new homes! More...
  17. Replies

    New Bears Listed!

    Five new bears listed in time for Christmas! A Father Christmas, a sleepy angel, another bunny and 2 more bears!

    20044 20045

    20046 20047


    Click below for other Silent...
  18. Replies

    Bear necessities!

    I am pleased to announce that I have FINALLY finished getting my bears listed in my own store! Some were previously featured on the site of lejoueurdepipeau.

    There are now 12 miniature bears (and...
  19. Replies

    Have sent you £20: £11.14 from my auctions +...

    Have sent you £20:
    £11.14 from my auctions + postage; £6.04 direct payment for purchase of rosewood box (herbalbrew); topped up to a round number! :D
  20. Replies

    Thank you to everyone for their bids and well...

    Thank you to everyone for their bids and well done to the winners!
  21. Replies

    Last plug for my YDC auctions...

    Last plug for my YDC auctions (all for Shelterbox!) as I'm off out for the day.

    Still bargains to be had and ticks to be won!! Have fun!!
  22. Replies

    Wahoo!! Actually managed to hold onto a few ticks...

    Wahoo!! Actually managed to hold onto a few ticks long enough to buy something! Yay!

    Still a day (nearly) to go on these items though, so a chance to get a few more of those ticks!
  23. Replies

    It's very hard giving to charity round here -...

    It's very hard giving to charity round here - come back from an evening's fencing and what do I find??? Only 1 tick left!!

    If you want to nick MORE ticks however, these items only have a few bids...
  24. Replies

    My green ticks seem to be dwindling rapidly.........

    My green ticks seem to be dwindling rapidly...... Feel free to nick ticks on these though! :D

    All for Shelterbox! You'll still be getting a bargain!
  25. Replies

    Found some lonely auctions without bids - so have...

    Found some lonely auctions without bids - so have taken pity on them!!

    Piggy would still like a bid!
  26. Replies

    I have one item still without a bid - a lovely...

    I have one item still without a bid - a lovely little piggy who's feeling very lonely!! All other items are still very cheap - all for Shelterbox!

    Right, now I'm off to start placing bids of my...
  27. Replies

    Still one item without a bid! Thanks to everyone...

    Still one item without a bid! Thanks to everyone for bids already posted!

    Also thanks to Huddylion for trying to tell me I'd messed up the listing for the girly goodies! Don't know what happened...
  28. Replies

    Re-entering the YDC-fray after several months of...

    Re-entering the YDC-fray after several months of inactivity!!

    So...... pimp!
  29. Replies

    I've just finished my first ever pair! I found...

    I've just finished my first ever pair! I found Youtube videos very helpful for turning the heel and grafting the toe (pattern seemed totally incomprehensible but was actually very easy!). For me, the...
  30. Replies

    Last chance to get your hands on the Gromit mug -...

    Last chance to get your hands on the Gromit mug - still very reasonable! All proceeds to charity! 3 green ticks still to be stolen!
Results 1 to 30 of 54
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