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Type: Posts; User: Lovetosell

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  1. Re: Project Second-Life - Promote eBid for peanuts!

    What Simon has said is absolutely right! How upset we all are.:( With one short message all of this could have been avoided. The land at Narugo was the heart and soul of the original Project, and it...
  2. Replies

    Re: Shout Out For Vonz!!!!

  3. Re: Project Second-Life - Promote eBid for peanuts!


    Happy New Year!

    This is not exactly a glitch more a case of not wanting to upgrade the viewer, but it is funny so I'll include it here. This happens when someone is wearing something...
  4. Re: Project Second-Life - Promote eBid for peanuts!

    Glad you managed to find the Mall again Moonwitch and got see the Christmas decorations, we hope everyone else enjoys them too.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all! :)

    PS: If you come...
  5. Re: Project Second-Life - Promote eBid for peanuts!

    Ok if we are into the horror pics I have a good one for you. This is really rare, in fact this is the only time I've ever seen this glitch and I don't even have a name for it so I'll call it "face...
  6. Re: Project Second-Life - Promote eBid for peanuts!

    Well wasn't Saturday fun! I never knew there were so many places to have fun. I for one will be visiting some of those sims again. The snowball fight was hilarious, I wonder what that girl thought...
  7. Re: Project Second-Life - Promote eBid for peanuts!

    Hope you all got the brand new eBid Tee Shirts! I sent one to everyone through the group but if you didn't receive it, you can get one from the box in the eBid Mall or if you want to IM me inworld...
  8. Re: Project Second-Life - Promote eBid for peanuts!

    I remember that night well! Me and Simon couldn't speak, we were laughing so much! But we eventually got it under control and looking good again.

    Now for another glitch, this one must be the most...
  9. Re: Project Second-Life - Promote eBid for peanuts!

    Glad you finally found us moonwitch. Hope you enjoyed it and visit again soon...:)
  10. Re: Project Second-Life - Promote eBid for peanuts!

    How odd, the Mall is all new and going strong..... Zarin is there at this very moment, what's your in world Avatar name we'll look out for you...
  11. Re: Project Second-Life - Promote eBid for peanuts!

    Wow! yes you're right Simon! Its almost 4 years since all this Second Life / eBid Promotion started! How time flies! :)

    Another glitch for the record! We call it the "Head up the J*cksie" but...
  12. Re: Project Second-Life - Promote eBid for peanuts!

    If any of you want to come and see the newly vamped eBid Mall here is the SLURL [ http://slurl.com/secondlife/Narugo/224/239/76 ] We have Midnight Mania boards there giving away loads of exciting...
  13. Re: Project Second-Life - Promote eBid for peanuts!

    Oh yes! Second Life glitches...... well another one less often in occurance is the "Butt Face" you log on to find that your skin has been messed up and your face is now on your butt, :eek: I'm not...
  14. Replies

    Re: Vonz are you about?

    I'll keep that to myself Simon, Hiya your SL partner may not be too pleased at you "giving one" to other women!

    All the best Vonz

    Wendy (SL Zarin)
  15. Hi mrswilliam, Good to know you have...

    Hi mrswilliam,

    Good to know you have discovered Secondlife! If you IM me or Simon inworld we will send you an invite to join the eBid group. Of course we won't have any idea who you are, so...
  16. We're Still here!

    Hi everyone! :D

    I'd just like to remind you all that we are still working hard to promote eBid on Second Life.

    Simon and I have been busy earning money in -world to fund the project, I'd like...
  17. Not sure about what exactly???? :confused: If...

    Not sure about what exactly???? :confused:

    If you read the previous posts EVERYTHING has been fully answered many times! :rolleyes:

    Regards Wendy
  18. Hi All, I think what Simon was trying to...

    Hi All,

    I think what Simon was trying to point out is that an avatar could be anyone, male, female, old or young. Because everyone is able to create any avatar they want, rabbit, fox, mouse, cat,...
  19. Inworld Building

    Hi again,

    Just like to let you all see what we've been up to these past weeks! :D

    This is the new club we were hired to build come on folks building is great fun! Come and join us in Second...
  20. The Newlook Mall Area

    Hi everyone!

    Just thought I'd let you all in on a little secret! :cool:
    You know we've revamped the Mall and extended the fishing lake, well we are now developing the land in front of the Mall...
  21. bump.............................................

  22. bump.................................................

  23. Revamp

    Hi everyone!

    The great re-vamp has started! :eek:

    I'm not including pictures, you will need to come and visit to see progress. All I'm saying is that it's looking wonderful! ;)

    See you...
  24. bump..............................................

  25. bump............................

  26. bump...............................

  27. Hi everyone, Thank you for working so hard...

    Hi everyone,

    Thank you for working so hard and keeping us high on the Trivia charts Georgia! :)

    Come on everyone! Join Georgia in the Mall and get us to the top! :D

    We are working on a...
  28. Bump.............................:D

  29. Bump................

  30. bummmmmmmmmp........

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