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Type: Posts; User: goldenwonders

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  1. Re: STAMPS - New Listings in GB Commemorative Stamps Kiloware

    Just added an entire year of used GB Commemorative stamps for 1980 these are FDC quality used stamps, as good as they come! I have lots more years if you don't see the set you want ask me. All others...
  2. Re: ebid is 25 this year wonder if anything planned

    Yes they are hemorrhaging sellers (and buyers) at the moment. They have tried to stop it with completely Free listing AND sales costs until 8th April. But sales are still plummeting after a minor...
  3. Replies

    Re: HMRC Is After Your Sales Money

    Like you my attics are brimming, as you get older, you get more and more and sadly inherit more on top. We've taken 4 bags of clothes to charity shop this morning.
    It's always wise to keep a record,...
  4. Replies

    Re: HMRC Is After Your Sales Money

    Don't think that is correct. If you are trading as a business - self employed, you are allowed to claim legitimate expenses against sales. Postage (plus packing and any sundry items, possibly printed...
  5. Replies

    Re: HMRC Is After Your Sales Money

    As I say taxation is complicated, I'm no expert, but do have an accountant and because I've been self employed know more than the average person about tax.

    Each transaction can be very different,...
  6. Replies

    Re: HMRC Is After Your Sales Money

    Morning Dave, I can't see anything he has said that is incorrect?
    I think you have added to the post again correctly stating that 'On line sites will have to report details of seller who make more...
  7. Replies

    Re: HMRC Is After Your Sales Money

    Can I just point out to you and any other readers your post is accurate, but the capital gains tax allowance is being halved next year (£3000, I think from April) and will then drop to zero in coming...
  8. Replies

    Re: New Royal Mail charges from Oct 2023

    I've been biting my teeth at some of these comments. Postage has indeed gone up dramatically - or will do again in October, but surely its time for you all to buy your stamps now before the rate...
  9. Replies

    Re: Military Uniform buttons?

    I think its called a split pin rivet - militarily wise, most commonly associated with German coats and helmets.
    The rivet pushes through the coat and through a washer on the other side and then...
  10. Replies

    Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Hello Dave, trying to be constructive here....

    Your comment about the 2 posters on Obey is not strictly true either. They are near the mark in their comments, SOME things here certainly sell.....
  11. Re: STAMPS - New Listings in GB Commemorative Stamps Kiloware

    Today I'm listing some High value FDC's
  12. Re: STAMPS - New Listings in GB Commemorative Stamps Kiloware

    Just started listing booklets - ask if you're looking for a specific one...
  13. Re: STAMPS - New Listings in GB Commemorative Stamps Kiloware

    Just listed my first lot of 200+ Regional stamps.
  14. Re: STAMPS - New Listings in GB Commemorative Stamps Kiloware

    Today I've started adding some First Day cover Bundles of TEN FDC's - so they work out at 50p per FDC + subsidised post - just want them gone, hundreds more to list!
    Any requirements - just ask me,...
  15. Re: STAMPS - New Listings in GB Commemorative Stamps Kiloware

    Today I've started listing world stamps - lots of 200 plus around 20 free in case i miss a damaged one, includes the odd packet of old approvals as shown65284
  16. STAMPS - New Listings in GB Commemorative Stamps Kiloware

    Now listing Stamps in Kiloware lots. All my own at inexpensive prices, ideal for resellers of stamps and those who collect.
    First listings are for GB commemoratives including High Values. Just one...
  17. Re: Bids Made (0) Offers Made (0) Bought (0) Bids Rec'd (0) Offers Rec'd (0)

    Hello Mark, I thought I'd acknowledge your post as few do comment or reply these days!
    You're correct that not many items end up on google shopping from ebid, I've heard various theories put...
  18. Replies

    Re: 'Mary Celeste'

    I don't post very often here now - and when I did with some frequency about 18 months ago about the need to advertise this site it met with scathing criticism!
    The discussions did often become...
  19. Re: Members new car sticker available now ************

    You're fighting a losing battle RPM !
    There's a little shop in France I know sell's the most amazing hot chocolate with the best cream topping I've ever tasted, but it is expensive at nearly 3...
  20. Replies

    Re: eBay sync

    Hello elench, your observations are near the mark, it has become a ghost ship! When I started back 2 years ago there was more activity, more discussion on here than now. I now only visit when I have...
  21. Replies

    Re: eBay sync

    They don't lie, they do what most companies do these days, manipulate the facts and create situations where they can make extra money from you - you can avoid it, don't pay for the extra's, use every...
  22. Replies

    Re: eBay sync

    Hello elench, long time no speak. Afraid I have to disagree, been biting my tongue reading some of the comments on here on various threads over the last few months.

    I sell very little on ebid...
  23. Re: Can anyone on Ebid design and make a "One-Of" birthday card incorporating photos?

    I could get that done for you - but when do you need it as I'm about to leave for France on Friday??
  24. Re: baner advertiing at carboot .markets and local events


    “I used to have a Bricks & Mortar shop which I, and not my landlord, had to do advertising for.”

    Yes that is the case, but if you were in a shopping mall, or selling at an...
  25. Re: baner advertiing at carboot .markets and local events

    Hello Elench,
    I do see your posts frequently on the dark side of Obay. I do come on these forums most days, but rarely make any comment. I only responded to rpm because its wrong that he should be...
  26. Re: baner advertiing at carboot .markets and local events

    A couple of observations RPM, not criticisms .. just observations.

    While Ebid is cheaper - by far! The old saying is 'you get what you pay for'. In reality - you pay 'nowt here - and you get...
  27. Re: baner advertiing at carboot .markets and local events

    I personally prefer the new one, its cleaner and more modern but I accept others have said they prefer the older logo, however the owners changed it and so it has to be the new one in any promotions...
  28. Re: baner advertiing at carboot .markets and local events

    Hello rpm, nice to see someone making a bit of effort. I'm replying out of courtesy, as I think some of the more active posters on here should have replied to you sooner than this. I've had several...
  29. Re: I have over 3000 listings in my ebid account and no sales, what happens?

    I don't usually respond much any more, but quite frankly I thought this was quite a unique one and could not resist temptation.

    Mega - you seem to have some pretty 'High End Watches' there - not...
  30. Replies

    Re: Help identifying year of postcard

    Guessed you knew it was pre 95 but check the printer out - its highly likely that Splash postcards were produced by Splash printers as they commenced trading in 1981 ish which probably ties in with...
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