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HTML Helper

  1. CheapStudent

    I seem to be running into some issues posting items on eBid; I see that there are quite a few sellers that are posting "amazing" and "vibrant" auction templates on their postings. I have been working with web design for many years now and know that eBid has it's own "language" when it comes to HTML and such. Any suggestions on how to implement HTML within the postings, I seem to apply them just fine when it comes to Ninja Lister but I just want to be able to apply them successfully via the standardized auction posting via eBid. Eventually I would want to be able to apply the templates to the excel uploads however I just want to take one step at a time. I see that presentation on eBid helps improve the sales volume as well. Any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated.


    John C.
  2. astral276
    eBid uses standard HTML. Their listing page headers state XHTML 1.0 Transitional (but don't try to validate it unless you want to be horrified).

    JavaScript and CSS are fine. If you have anything in the header (e.g. links to external JavaScript of CSS definition files), don't ever view it with one of the eBid WYSIWYG editors as they will strip off the header, remove empty elements, and make other changes to fit the editor's rules. If using HTML to create listings - stick to the Plain HTML Box editor.

    If you have a generally fixed template design, with just the details altered for each item, you can save it to your My Defaults. If you tick the Use when listing new auctions? checkbox, that template will be used when you create a new listing online - much the same as in the Ninja Lister.
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