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  1. danban42
    I must admit, I have learnt a bit from other sites similar to this one over the years. I think I did ok with my first 3 listings on ebid, but can anyone look at them and tell me if I can do better and how. I am a basic member of ebid as I do not run a business but I have been clearing out and want to sell some things. I do have a paypal account and can use that to be paid for my auction items, but I saw that basic membership may make it complicated for buyers to use. Doe it mean I have to upgrade to platinum membership so the paypal payments system is linked to my selling account? Can I give my winning bidder my email paypal payment details over the messaging system on ebid? Can someone advise me please.

    Cheers Dan.
  2. nan55
    Best place to ask these questions is in the forums. Being new here myself I wouldn't want to stear you wrong!
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