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  1. hopeful2
    Carol said something about being busy trying to do her stuff to bring money in for her business this week. So isn't participating this week. I hope I said that right...wouldn't want to misrepresent her in any way..

  2. gramma1111

    If you do not hear from me after you win my item today, please wait for me to invoice you. Hubby is having minor surgery today but I will invoice you as soon as I can after I get back home.
  3. lilused
    I have to admit to everyone I made a big mistake this week with my MSABC auctions. On one of them, the only one with bids, has the clock for the time way off. Guess I just forgot to set it right. It won't end for about another week. Can't edit it now, as has bids on it. So will have to just let it run out. Ada, have PM to you, sorry for my mistake.
  4. gramma1111
    No problem Sharon, We'll just add it to next weeks.
  5. lilused
    Hopefully I do it right next week with the stuff for next week. Sharon
  6. gramma1111

    Ya'll have done me proud. You all did such a fantastic job this past weekend. We can do it again this coming weekend. My top sellers were sewing notions. Ribbons, Bows, Macrame Beads, Buttons and two pieces of Jewelry. I think I'll stick with that theme next weekend, as I have a stash that is unbelieveable.

    Once again you all did such a super job, with a 110% effort. I Love you All.
  7. JanetB

  8. hopeful2
    Ya gramma..back atcha.......don't forget to check my totals...I have a lot of the same stuff. Dare we both list similar items..

  9. gramma1111
    Awhhhhhhh thanks Jan and Sandy.

    Sandy don't worry about listing the same stuff, there were plenty of bids on my notion to go around.

    Sandy, I did check and left you a PM about it.
  10. gramma1111

    Today I have been posting sales to date with ACS/MSABC. Also, inasmuch as ACS and MSABC are the same thing I decided to post YDC70 and the 9.25 of mine from YDC69 to this campaign. The figures will still be kept separate, it's just that all the monies is going to the same place. Hubby made a donation today which goes towards our total and is included in the above graph. Hope nobody minds, I just hated seeing the thermometer sit empty. ACS has the figures only, all the monies will be sent at once after MSABC Round 5.
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