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  1. gramma1111
    Sandy, your guess is as good as mine. I have sent him pm's and emails, haven't heard a word.
  2. lilused
    I was right the first time. NO sales this week, maybe better luck next week.
  3. hopeful2
    Yes, better luck to us all...what we need are more buyers & more people to participate in these charity auctions. I guess everyone is feeling the "crunch".

    Anyway, my sales for the MSABC are $4.00 to Burgy. Sorry more didn't sell. I listed more items & light weight too.

    Jackie, you are collecting for this too, aren't you...I hope, I hope..I see they [the Brits} have reached 45% of their goal...wow...well, there are more of them & they have had a lot more practice doing this.

    Btw Jackie, Harold is on fb. I requested an "add me as a friend" & suggested you to be added too..


    Added later..they are up to 85 % [I think] now. Their goal is 450 GBP. Good for them...I'm depressed....lol..
  4. gramma1111
    Sandy, Yes I'm collecting and I received the email from FB suggesting Harold. I'll get to that as soon as I catch up here. I sent the last of my tax info to the accountant this a.m. two days before if was due but he's used to me. I HATE TAXES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I can get back into eBid so bare with me while I get this caught up. I got the rest of the YDC70 up to date, and will be posting it next. So much to do, so little time. Oh dear.....................
  5. gramma1111
    Oh BTW............There is nothing wrong with asking for donations for MSABC. American Cancer Society encourages it (of course) as a matter of fact, hubby just gave a donation to someone else for MSABC and when he told me, I said "Hey how about me? We're collecting too, so he said he would give us a donation too. Don't underestimate my goal.........It's in the realm of reason. hehehehe
  6. JanetB
    I'm on FB now.


    OOoooooooooooooooopps! did I just say that?
  7. hopeful2
    Oh jan, I'm going to add you as soon as I find you or you can add me....lol...so glad you are joining us..

  8. gramma1111
    Yeah Jan, Now I need to check mine, haven't been there for a few days.

    BTW The MSABC Talley Thread is up and running in the Auctions for Charity Forum. We're ahead of round 1
  9. JanetB
    PM me Sandy.

  10. hopeful2
    Jackie, do you want my money for sales this week or are we waiting til the end of the month/

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