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  1. bykimbo
    Jan - your template's much better than mine!! I'm afraid mine was a bit thrown together, what with all the other work involved it got short shrift.

    Now I know the standard I have to achieve next time we do something like this.
  2. gramma1111
    I know I speak for everyone at MSABC when I say Thank You for the Invite, we graciously accept and once again:

    The MSABC thread under "Auctions for Charity" will be closed in 24 hours. The Talley Thread will continue to be used at the end of each weeks auction through October.
  3. PoppyGrove
    Just dropped by to say - Thanks Gramma for the invite to join the group. I've put up a couple of items for this weeks Breast Cancer fundraiser - one of which is for MSABC.
  4. lilused
    Jan, will use templet for my auctions next Friday. But, will have to p.m. you with a question concerning the (083) one you made me for my all about me page. Thanks for all your help.
  5. JanetB
    bykimbo Jan - your template's much better than mine!! I'm afraid mine was a bit thrown together, what with all the other work involved it got short shrift.

    Thank you kindly m'dear

  6. hopeful2
    That's neat for Babs to list an auction for MSABC. Next week I will list something for BCC....what do ya'll think...

  7. gramma1111
    That's neat for Babs to list an auction for MSABC. Next week I will list something for BCC....what do ya'll think...


    Sandy, Meebo1 has also listed in our auctions, she listed in the last YDC and then added a donation to her sales. Bab's and Meebo are both doing it to help us out since we have so few people participating. As for you listing in theirs, that is totally at your discretion.

  8. lilused
    Sorry gramma, I did not have any bids or sell anything this week, (October 9, 2009) but maybe I will have better lick next week.
  9. lilused
    Actually thought my auctions were done, hour to go, must have put time in wrong. So spoke too soon, don't know yet for sure. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOps!
  10. hopeful2
    Ok gramma, I'll reconsider my offer. We can use all the help we can get. Btw, what happened to Harold....I thought he was just going to be away for some tractor pulls or some such thing.

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