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  1. pacificscentworks
    Hello! (friendly smile) Yet another person here seeking to break the parasite hold ebay has had on me for so many years. I'm still a powerseller over at that "nasty" place, but hope to slowly withdraw from the "sucking" addiction that seems to include an ongoing relationship full of discouragement and disappointment. I've been selling since 2001 (had a previous ps acct that I had to give up due to a nasty divorce-pouts) and have witnessed a steady decline into depths that are just unbelievable!!

    I don't mind paying for a good service or product but, sadly, over "yonder" you no longer get what you pay for with regard to fees and service.

    I am encouraged by the friendly, helpful environment here and the possibilities...and have spread the word to other powerseller friends to join me on the ground floor (okay, so maybe it's not exactly the ground floor but I'm still finding my footing here so it's the ground floor for me!)
  2. aquasee
    Hi, :0) I am an escapee also from over there. I am a buyer mostly but now and again sell , rarely though, the stress of selling even a few bits is aweful. So I browse here and find lots of things that I like. I even have favourite sellers here :0). So I for one am very happy here.
  3. gramma1111
    Hi all, I'm Jackie and also an ex greedbay seller. I left them and came here about a year and a half ago, needless to say, I love it. I dropped in to make you all aware of the YDC USA monthly charity auction. I have been participating almost since I joined eBid. It is a hoot, we have a ball but most importantly we also raise a nice sum for our monthly charities. I am inviting you all to the YDC USA thread right here in social groups, and also to the USA Experience here in the Social groups. The YDC is a good place to get your name and business out to others, not to mention this in return results in sales for you while at the same time having fun. Let me know by PM if you have any questions about either, and I hope to see you there. BTW Our next YDC will start on the last friday in January so you have lots of time to get things together for then. I hop-e you will consider.
  4. dj2design
    Hi, I was on ''the other side'' as a seller and buyer for a very long time but the increase in fees etc ment I was selling at a loss and was introduced to ebid by my mum and I have never looked back. Diane
  5. kevinh58
    hi i joined ebid from the dark side 18 months ago but have only recently started selling here as a private seller not a business i found all you seem to do on the dark side is pay pay pay enormous amounts in fees even when nothing sells i have only one issue with e bid is that the uk site needs more promotion to let peopkle know as many people i talk to dont even know e bid exists once they do this i expect sales will increase other than this i think this site makes the dark side look like its owned by scrooge kevinh58
    by the way my username on the darkside is kevinh367 feedback 452 100%
  6. jane6905
    Me too! lol
    though making my way slowly back there as I am having great difficulty sellin here...
  7. 436motoshop
    I am not 100% ex ebay yet...haven't sold anything on ebid yet either....i have about 100 listings...i offer custom cut sprockets, so i can make any size for any bike, so i have a lot of listings.....ebay made a lot of money off me!! i have about 1800 listed on ebay, but cant wait to slowly shift over to ebid because i really can save my customers money here, and it seems like a better atmosphere.....how long did it take yalls sales to take off? what is the size of ebid compared to ebay? anyone have sales that compare to their ebay store? lots of questions....sorry...im scott...thanks for welcoming me
  8. spc0481
    Im still using feebay but will soon be an ex user, agreed that we must keep supporting ebid and help it expand.
  9. cjaz01
    Hi, I am currently with greedbay and would like to move here but listing is sooooo hard. Is there an easyer way to list multi items? Like the turbo lister on ebay?
  10. cftools2009
    I too am not x ebay yet, (very close too it), had a shock when looked at fees for last sales .Hope i do get on ok at Ebid, Regads all Chris
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