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  1. pearlygirl555
    Another great mystery, solved
  2. hopeful2
    Hi Ladies, I'm almost home...I'm spending some time at Rene's. Will be home for sure Sunday night.

    Carol, if I had those red shoes, I could just click my heels together....I missed all you guys a lot..

    I'm a little confused about the whole cross stitch thread..[started it on May 5, 2009]...almost sorry I started it. Hope it all works out & people will be able to find the finished items. Now, I just have to get my items changed to those places. I

  3. pearlygirl555
    Hope Rene is doing loads better --- enjoy your time with her and have a safe return home
  4. wyocowgirl1
    Sandy, I am glad you'll be home soon, I missed you. Are you changing your name to "globetrotter2010"? he he. Glad the t-shirt has been found, If meebo doesn't find the t-shirt perhaps the buyer would like a nice sweatshirt. I would be willing to send it to her, if she would like. It's a Medium.
  5. burgyeb
    Awww! That's nice.
  6. gramma1111
    Jan - Thank you that was so sweet and the picture is beautiful.

    Ava - Thanks, I'll show it as the final tally. The shirt has a new history now...it needs to be labled "Lost but Found" hehehe

    Everybody Else - I found the USA Group by being a nosey nellie also.
  7. burgyeb
    I like that label Jackie, sounds like the prodical son or the lost coin. Joy came when both were found. :0)
  8. JanetB
    Do you realize that the USA Experience social group was the very first group to start all groups here?

    And Jackie - your most welcome - your an angel and do so much for us and others.

  9. wyocowgirl1
    Wow! Jan I'm impressed!

    Ava, what's the verdict? Should I send your buyer the sweatshirt? I haven't got it yet, but I'll bet it's at the Post Office. I will go get my mail today as I have a package to mail. I know, I'm kind of lax about picking up my mail of late.
  10. burgyeb
    That is impressive Jan! I thought it was one of the earlier ones, not the first.

    Thanks for the offer Carol, but that's ok.
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