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  1. JanetB
    Tuesday is obviously way over the time span, but, as I pointed out earlier, these late ending auctions will not qualify in the 'winner' category.

    I started my auctions on a Sunday starting at 8am thru 3pm giving me a 1hr 'safe' zone, for 7 days.

  2. JanetB
    The YDC*65 ends today.

  3. gramma1111
    I believe we have a final total for the USA YDC 65.

    Great job everybody.
  4. youmeus
    I collected $10.00, $8 from Meebo and $2 from Wyocowgirl. I will send the $10 to APDA. These figures were rounded up.
  5. JanetB
    Gramma can you change my amount to $8.55 - shezz rounded off her amount to me which doesn't show on the listing.

    I've sent my payment to Harold for the APDA.

  6. indyglo
    Gramma, did you get my payment. I should have been for $6.50 as cornishmaid paid extra for shipping and asked that it went to the charity.

    Thanks Gloria
  7. gramma1111
    If I"M real lucky.........This is the final total.

    Not bad...not bad at all...

    Thank you to everyone that bid on my items.

  8. gramma1111
    I have received the following payments for the American Cancer Society:

    Starchild - 5.00
    Sandy - 16.00
    Gloria - 6.50

    Well, back to the drawing board...........
  9. gramma1111

  10. JanetB
    That is quite an impressive sum we managed this time, well done everyone!

    Imagine if we had more US members participating, wouldn't that be something

    It would be quite interesting to see what the end of year grand total would look like. Gramma do you think you could add a running total at the end of each one so we can see how we are progressing?

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