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Book Sellers

  1. Bearsden06
    Hi bykimbo thanks for putting us in the right direction got the picture up but must work on getting a better one as it seems cut big slices out of it resizing.

    Cheers Bearsden06
  2. SalusLibrorum
    LOL a giant question mark. That feels very appropriate for the moment .

    Hello everyone.
  3. bykimbo
    True enough - perhaps with a pound sign next to it - the perfect logo for this year!
  4. BrilliantBooks
    Hello all (just taken a few day's being very busy at work).

    WELCOME to all new joiners here.
    Hope you enjoy the chat and the support.

    Do remember to tell us every so often where your shop is located, and occasionally include your banner.

    (Anybody know why these social groups don't have "signatures").

    I still want to make more than one sale!
    I'll have some more stock coming in soon.
    Would anyone be willing to have a look at what I'm selling and let me know if you think I'm asking too much?

    all the best,
  5. SalusLibrorum
    Unfortunately I'm trying to get rid of books, not acquire more of them! I think you might be a bit over the top on the pricing, many of your books are penny books on Amazon, which means that they would be charged a max of £2.76 including postage, plus of course there isn't the traffic here. You've also got a lot of long tail books there that will sell very very slowly, as well as VHS videos which sell very slowly nowadays unless they are a specific type or collectable. Have you checked the prices in comparison to a large site like Amazon or Bookfinder?
  6. BrilliantBooks
    Thanks - you're right about the price comparisons.
    I tried Amazon but of course that's a really slow sell too - given that someone needs to not only want a specific book, search for it, decide to buy 'not new', then you're battling against the penny sales.
    I found that things which didn't sell on Amazon went quite well on the well-known auction site. But then came their price hike which made non-quick-selling-books impossible to sustain.
    So I guess I've been trying to do 'fair' prices that I would pay for a book if I wanted it.
    Does anyone out there find it worth competing with the penny sales prices for Amazon (ie max £2.76 inc postage)?

    Thanks for looking.
    I think I'll review all my auctions, lower prices, list for a bit longer (as there's the advice that 10-days might appear on Google) etc.

  7. SalusLibrorum
    I gave up on penny sales completely (apart from the occasional thin book, or those which look like they're going to sell fast). I wholesale the books from my source that are penny books, to those who have the capacity to deal with them. When you look at the hard economics of it, to deal with penny books you need to have a vast amount of storage and, if they're the larger paperbacks, at about 60p profit each, you'll need to be packing vast numbers to make any kind of living, which means staff. Penny books are a whole different business, and I don't think (personal opinion only of course) that it's viable for a single person to hope to make a living out of selling them. I had the same problem with the 'other' auction site, I tend to use it for bulk lots now, and valuable books that I'm pretty sure will sell first or second go. The ones that I think will take longer and the lower price more quirky stuff stays here.
  8. SalusLibrorum
    Having said that, on here I did drop the price of books that had meandered down on repricing to "penny" status, I put them at £2.50 (set on Excel en masse before I uploaded them I didn't do them individually) to at least give people a reason to buy here rather than Amazon - and it's made not a jot of difference.
  9. Spyder1942
    Most of my books work out less then that anyway.
  10. Spyder1942
    I just sell books to fill my day a bit.
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