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Book Sellers

  1. quadilicious
    Hi all

    i have many books listed but to no avail in the sales ( apart from one book )

    i am moveing house very soon and i,m not taking any books with me so if anyone wants to make an offer on one i will gladly consider it as it will save the space in landfill.

    or if anyone is local to leicestershire/ nottinghamshire and wants the whole lot just PM me.

    i need rid
  2. bykimbo
    I always start gnashing my teeth when people are selling whole stocks of books and they're too flippin' far away. Off for a nosey!
  3. bykimbo
    A big slice of my sales has always been overseas - mostly northern Europe, North America and Australia. I've offered International shipping since I started virtually. I like sending stuff overseas, it's a bit more exotic than Surrey or Sussex! And books have the advantage that you can send them printed paper rate and don't have to fill in a customs form!
  4. quadilicious
    cheers kimbo

    i will edit any listing to a price if you want any of them.

    even set it as buy it now

    dont really want to dump them as they are in great condition.

    i am thinking of selling them as cheap fuel for winter burning LOL
  5. bykimbo
    You haven't got any other Pratchett hardbacks? I'm always interested in a chance to upgrade my paperbacks, but I've got those two in HB already - typical! For the rest, I haven't got a garden! If there's stuff you've not listed yet, I can give clues to my taste in reading.
  6. quadilicious
    hi kimbo just checked

    all the rest are paper back

  7. Bearsden06
    Hello all having a look around not sure how I get a piccie on instead of the question mark unless it changes with first posting it should be a teddy bear well a mixture of them its a bit like the zoo here,they have started climbing the stairs now.
    No longer full time sellers age ill health caught up with books do seem to get heavier the older you get but still like that feeling when you fix someone up with a book they have been searching for.
  8. Bearsden06
    I hope this works me and computors dont get on very well with the finer points.

  9. Bearsden06
    oh well that link works but not to my picture of Bearsden06
  10. bykimbo
    Hi Quad, thanks for looking. If you have a heap of Pratchett PBs and want rid PM me with a price for bulk & shipping to sunny (ha!) Cornwall - I'll resell them, I'm not over-stocked right now. If not, no offence will be taken.
    Bearsden - you need to set you "avatar" in user CP. Yell if you need more help and one of us will pop up.

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