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  1. JewelleryMagic
    Hi - what a great idea. I have been with eBid for 12 months and have not sold an item. Funny our line is selling on eBay though. Anyway my biz partner and myself are determined to get our jewellery moving through eBid but we are scratching our heads as to how! One person mentioned to check how often seller came online to see what interest they have in their shop but if you're not selling how can you keep up the enthusiasm?
    I am using husbands computer at present (mine is at computer doctor) and I will sort my profile when I get it back. I am a huge fan of animals, great and small, feathered, furred, whatever!
    We are still working on our shops and need to fine tune but please feel free to visit
  2. RoseaHartZ
    Hi, I am new to ebid too! iv tryed to sell on ebay just with free listing but it just about started to pay for its self then thay stoped me as my seller status not good enuf??? but id got over 500 feedback at 100%! oh well iv left now & im not going back! I make my jewellery & have don for about 10 years, now i want to do it to sell! Iv got too much!!! LOL hope we can all help each other! Deepest Blessings Rosea!
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