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  1. FloweredHat
    Billy, I see you have been busy and it is hard when you have some rules still in your head from the other place and different rules here, makes it difficult at times to know which way to turn. I have tons of things I would like to chat about and get posted but I am working so hard on my stores that I never get in here except to find some answers. I work as you said, only I will work all night, sleep a few hours and then up again at my desk. A few days ago, I was at my desk and realized I was feeling like the walls were closing in on me and looked around and saw my desk was piled with papers and bills and mail up to my head on one side of my desk, lol, I then got in and spent 2 hours cleaning up the mess, and have been going strong since.

    Your going to want to shoot me for this but it was just a private little game for myself. I worked so hard to get my store up above yours in the stores list, I hope you dont resent me for that, really I just want to get it stocked well but I did keep checking to see if I had moved up. And I did. But you are a big competition to me because we buy from the same supplier and you keep your prices lower than I do so I keep checking your store to see if I have the same things listed and try to not put the same things in. Anyway I welcome you guys and I know I have not chatted with you but you have done a great job and I recommend you all to anyone who needs advise on certain areas, your home page is so great and detailed that it helps alot of people. So I send people that way. I have tried to get mine set up so that it is useful but not like yours.
    To finish up here, I have about 100 auctions I have edit - Billy- to get my shipping prices down and update the listings. So I have a lot of work ahead of me and I've already done about half of them so I still have about 100 left. I followed your example Billy about listing the different sizes on my rings, at first I just put 6-10, but then people wouldnt ask about the sizes or it seemed they were not looking at my auctions, since I've individulized the sizes I am getting alot more views. But I hated to list page after page of the same rings, so boring I thought, then I decided to group them under sizes so people could just pick the size they wanted to look at, and have I got alot of rings, I love rings. Thats what I am having to edit.

    As Pony has stated, I love to talk jewelry, I would love to create it and I am really into the metals. I am getting into, tungsten, titanium and stainless steel, I have updated mine and my husbands wedding rings to stainless steel and stored the gold ones away. Well, thats all a whole new topic so I will close for now. TTFN
    All my best, Lynn
  2. pony9a
    Thankyou for the welcome to the group...:-)
    It sounds as if you are working VERY hard there to make a success of things, I wish you all the luck in the world with your efforts.
    Making the jewellery is a fantastic thing to do and the sense of satisfaction is amazing. You could begin by making simple wire rings out of sterling silver wire, you would be suprised at how easy they can be to make and not too expensive to get the tools to begin, You only need a ring mandrel and a few pairs of pliers, thats it, nothing too fancy for simple rings.
    I have just uploaded a half a dozen or so rings to my store, I love making them and am working on a few new designs that I hope to get finished in the next week or so. I will make a few prototypes first and if they work well then I will list them.
    I am lucky that I have a few nieces 18yrs+ and they will tell me if they think a piece is working or not so I follow thier advice...lol
    I also need to do a lot more photographing of pieces, I have about 50 pendants that I have'nt even thought about listing yet....Ho Hum...work is never done eh?....lol
  3. summerdreams
    Happy New Years everyone. I wish you all lots of sales and cheer for this upcoming 2009.
  4. pony9a
    A belated and happy new year to one and all. I hope 2009 is gr8 for you in every aspect of your life.
    2009 the year Ebid takes off and we all become rich...lol
  5. RepurposedStuff
    Hello Everyone! Happy New Year 2009 for a New Beginning!

    I'm a new member and need a little help finding my way around. If you are a good soul and have some time, please drop me a line and we can chat about the ins and outs of this grand auction site Ebid!

    I'll try to keep my questions brief, however I would like to make a few friends to toss a few ideas around and to have a bit of fun too!
    I live in the PST zone, so I'll answer you ASAP!
    Let's all make lots of money this year in spite of the economy threats!
    Best to all!
  6. giftableonebid
    Hello all,

    I am very new to eBid and sell a range of different products, however, I am quite keen on my silver jewellery range, which I am still adding to my store. May add other types of body jewellery in the future, we shall see. This is my first attempt to join an eBid group and I hope to learn a lot from you guys. A little information about my store;

    Giftable offer a range of giftable items, including, Gothic & Occult Silver Jewellery, Smokiana, Wallets, plus other great cultural, devotional & ethnic lifestyle items, just for you. Remember though, that if the items you wish to purchase are not in our store, then let us know and we shall try our very best to accommodate your product needs.

  7. pony9a
    Hi and welcome Patricia, I am sure you will soon find your way around ebid and make a lot of great friends and sales here.
    Hi and welcome giftableonebid, good luck with your stores and you silver jewellery.
  8. shir1966
    Hi everyone, I am still feeling my way around but this seems like a great place to buy and sell so I hope I get to know some of you well
  9. MarysRingAndThings
    Hi Everyone! What is the best way to let customers know I'm here? I love what I do but, I feel as if theres no one out there anymore! I am having a HUGE Jewelry Sale this week. If you get a chance Stop in and let me know what you think of the site! Hope to hear from you very SOON! (*0*) http://marysringandthings-new-store1.ebid.net
    Your Friend,
  10. ajfinds
    Hi everyone I have just joined ebid and I will be selling vintage jewelry I have not listed anything yet puttting all my ducks in a row and transferring things over please feel free to contact me. I would love to get to know people and visit your stores. Have great day.
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