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  1. rucabela
    yes my friend
    zimbabwe probably are not fakes , they had a hyper inflation period when they made notes with very high values
    the japanese notes are known as J.I.M. or japanese invasion money issued by japan during occupation of the countries (rupees,burma, pesos,philippines etc)
    if you want to send scans of the ones you cannot identify,maybe i can help..... my email....... belabiaruca@gmail.com
    the thing is i don´t know if i have anything you want. talk later............ROY
  2. Olliesitems
    Hello Roy.....

    Thanks for your reply and yes, I fully understand about the Zimbabwe hyper inflation issue..... These are One Hundred Trillion Dollar notes (1 followed by 14 zero's). Trouble is there are no watermarks whatsoever that is why I assume they are copies. The serial numbers are consequtive from AA3156605 // 6 // 7 and AA3156610 // 11 // 12 //13 seven notes in total. I did have the two missing numbers but actually gave them away when I ceased collecting worldwide banknotes. Upon reflection, I should have given notes from either end of the count rather than from the middle, still not to worry.

    If you need notes from the countries I mentioned earlier then let me know and I will send some photo's so you can check them out. I am sure we can come to some arrangement // agreement over them one way or another.

    Will get the unknown countries to you tomorrow as I am having an early night as I am worn out.

    Speak with you tomorrow mate.

    Kindest Regards.

  3. rucabela
    ok mate no problems
    i am interested to know the unidentified countries
    ALSO israel,kazakstan,suriname,iraq,italy,zambia,nigeri a,
    and the japanese invasion notes and maybe some others depending on the notes i have quite a lot of notes from some of the countries
    talk to you later........ROY
  4. Oldandintheway
    G'day Ollie & welcome to the group. I see you & Roy have a common interest, I do too, except the ones I'm trying to collect are the current spendable Aussie types. Hope we get more collectors joining up here to exchange info - so spread the word whenever possible. Cheers, Allen.
  5. Oldandintheway
    Whoops big G'DAY to FirstGreenIsGold Marie also & cheers on joining up.
    Let us know what you collect when you get a chance. Allen.
  6. rucabela
    g´day allen
    yes i know what you mean,trying to get a few € myself,slowly slowly catchy monkey,as my mother used to say
    firstgreenisgold has joined but has not yet been for a chat
    yes,it´s nice to chat with people who have the same interests as you
    nice to see the group slowly coming alive
    i joined philately also,but no movement there at all
    talk to you soon........ROY
  7. Olliesitems
    Good Morning Roy, Allen and Greenis.

    Just started looking up the unknown countries so will be back with you soon.

    Keep smiling folks.

  8. rucabela
    hi ollie
    ok that´s great,will be in and out most of the day..........ROY
  9. Olliesitems
    Hi Folks,

    Have traced Three countries so far. These are..... Kyrgyzstan..... Croatia..... Belarus.

    Back with others later.

    Regards to all.

  10. rucabela
    if you´re stuck, send me a scan and i will try to help.........ROY
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