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Any Nascar Racing Nuts in Here?

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  1. dardonboi
    I hate to watch the race alone.
  2. tonyreddevil
    Wheres that at.Is it horse racing in Ireland.
    Or is it a sort of car racing.Never heard of it.

    cheers Tony
  3. dardonboi
    It is stock car racing. The cars are supposed to look like the cars we drive on the street. If you paint numbers on the sides, and wrap your car in advertising plus do tons of adjustments it might look like a race car. It is more popular in the US than open wheel racing.
  4. suesjools
    Not me though my late aunt was a big Nascar fan, met some of the drivers and got pix with them.

  5. whyteangels66
    its the hottest racing in the us
    i luv nascar
    so much that i have to go to meetings for it lol
  6. tonyreddevil
    done Speedway meetings in the U.K.

    Belle Vue at Manchester
  7. tonyreddevil
    whos the best Formula 1 racing driver?
  8. tonyreddevil
    Ayton Senna?
  9. suesjools
    My late aunt used to love Dale Earnhardt Sr.. An old friend of mine used to be one of his pit crew, he was pretty broken up when he died.

  10. tonyreddevil
    Wales do Grand Slam.Third time in 8 years.Mighty Achievment.
    cheers Tony
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