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Musica lChanne.Any Music Goes.

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  1. tonyreddevil
    Hope Sal comes in to get this one going.
    cheers Tony
  2. suesjools
    Music all around! A little rock and roll to get us started:


  3. tonyreddevil
    50 years today this was recorded.
    What a talented group.
    McCartney and Lennon prolific song writers.

    Any way here goes "Love Me Do"


    Cheers Tony
  4. tonyreddevil
    Waves to Sue.
    On that Hey Jude.
    Good One.
    Close Camera work on the Beatles.
    Excellent Song.

    Cheers Tony
  5. suesjools
    Yes, it is. Of course I love anything Beatles.

  6. tonyreddevil
    Think when Paul McMartney Solo "Yesterday"Absolutely Mega.


    cheers Tony
  7. tonyreddevil
    Love Rusell Watson.
    Hes From Salford.
    Used to work in an engineering factory.
    At Work And The Breaks.
    Discovered by His Work mates and the rest is lengendary.


    cheers Tony
  8. tonyreddevil
    Shirley Bassey was good.
  9. tonyreddevil
    The Beatles were the Best
  10. tonyreddevil
    Shirley Bassey greatly admired.
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