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A Drink On YourArrival.

  1. whyteangels66
    cafe laite for tony
  2. tonyreddevil
    cafe laite time again.
    how the devil are you?
    cheers Tony
  3. tonyreddevil
    Where is everybody?
  4. whyteangels66
    so sorry tony ive been on a little bender since my birth day on the 30 of march
    and have been trying to get back to my biz.
    hope you are ok
  5. tonyreddevil
    brilliant i feel.
    going to blackburn rovers v manchester united tonight.
    cafe laite please?
  6. whyteangels66
    cafe laite for tony
    hope you have fun
  7. tonyreddevil
    i'm Tony
    Whats your name.
    cheers Tony
    thanks for cafe laite,just having one now.
  8. whyteangels66
    Dawns husband she sells the fine clothing
    i just chat on ebid i really like this place
  9. tonyreddevil
    thats good Jay.
  10. whyteangels66
    How about a tall long island ice tea with not so much ice.
Results 61 to 70 of 166
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