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A Drink On YourArrival.

  1. tonyreddevil
    cafe laite please?
  2. tonyreddevil
    Notice in the 6 pages here on private groups.There are only 2 where one is invited in.This one.
    The other one is Gay/Lesbian.
    Think its on page 6.
    cheers Tony
  3. tonyreddevil
    going up the wooden dancers now.
  4. tonyreddevil
    a grolsch please?
  5. tonyreddevil
    going up the wooden dancers now.
  6. kaylacrafts
    good morning tony
    i would post a lait but it wont let me post pics from my computer in this thread ?
  7. tonyreddevil
    dont know if you can post photos in the thread?
    cheers Tony
  8. tonyreddevil
    cafe laite please
  9. suesjools
    Cafe laite and Grolsch for Tony, large Irish for me.

    Happy St. Paddy's everyone!

  10. whyteangels66
    green beer for me please
Results 41 to 50 of 166
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