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The One star club

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  1. cornishmaid1961
    Yahoo - runs off to have a search of the site for a red carpet for us all !
  2. redmerlin777
    I just got a one star folks...I'm Official now!
  3. HannaHolly
    LOL ! take a look at the KT just now.. 'someone' has rated most of the threads with 5 stars. Oh what power us one star veterans hold
  4. klj
    It's full of stars now! Did we encourage this?? But my plug is one star again.... hmmmm. Hi other one stars!
  5. slinkyri
    sorry took my time didn't realise it was a proper group pmsl!!! Long live the 1 star people!!!!!
  6. smiffy49er
    Ooohhhh I feel all warm and wanted. thank you for inviting me to join this elite band of people. Woohoo I belong somewhere pmsl.
  7. cornishmaid1961
    Hay I've still got my cold so I can start singing like Lee Marvin - " I was born under a wondering star......" That will get rid of who ever it is!
  8. mainlypostcards
    The power of the one star club! just got 5* for a totally boring, irrelevant threae!!!!
  9. ejean9
    hello all you special people...mmm...1 star to all you stars...
  10. lizlebron88
    Hi to all stars!!!!!
Results 11 to 20 of 35
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