View Full Version : Conveyor Belt Slideshow

26th October 2007, 03:19 AM
I found 2 scripts that will display thumbnail images that are hyperlinked, the images scroll in a conveyor belt fashion.

The one that I like the best will not work in a eBid listing or on Blogger, it works fine on my web site. This one when you hold the cursor over the image it stops and displays the item title underneath.

The other one scrolls the same and is also hyperlinked and when you hold the cursor over the image it stop but that is it.

Neither will work in a listing, guess you can't have scripts there.

Would still be great for blogs etc but like I said the 1st one won't work on Blogger and I am not that good at scripting, according to what I can find out to work on Blogger the script has to be xhtml compliant.

Anyone know how to fix the 1st script to work on Blogger and probably other place too?

The 1st one can be seem at http://www.partsanthings.com

The 2nd one can be see at http://partsanthings.blogspot.com/

26th October 2007, 08:51 AM
That is exactly what we need! Sorry, can't help with the script, though - JimboOOOO!!! - do you know how to fix it? http://shinymedia.headshift.com/kissandmakeup/images/photos/uncategorized/jim_fix_it.jpg

26th October 2007, 03:27 PM
I was really excited when I found it, but was bummed out when it didn't work on the blog. That is only half the number of items that it will hold too.

I emailed the author also to see if they could shed any light as to why it won't work on the blog.

26th October 2007, 03:53 PM
wouldn't it be great if ebid would provide this type of feature for seller+ sellers :-)

26th October 2007, 04:03 PM
Afternoon all! :)

Yes, it would be great!

I used to use the 'Auctiva' one on FeePay. I've emailed Auctiva a number of times to ask if they will bring a modified version out, that will work on eBid. (Thought it'd also let Auctiva know that eBid is growing too! :D). But I didn't hear anything, of course. Is 'Auctiva' another FeePay-run/owned Company, like PayPay etc.:confused:?)

Anyway, it'd certainly be good to have a slideshow facility on here.

Best wishes, Simon.

26th October 2007, 07:29 PM
I think Photobucket has a slideshow facility, not used it myself but might be worth investigating.

26th October 2007, 08:34 PM
Afternoon all! :)

Yes, it would be great!

I used to use the 'Auctiva' one on FeePay. I've emailed Auctiva a number of times to ask if they will bring a modified version out, that will work on eBid. (Thought it'd also let Auctiva know that eBid is growing too! :D). But I didn't hear anything, of course. Is 'Auctiva' another FeePay-run/owned Company, like PayPay etc.:confused:?)

Anyway, it'd certainly be good to have a slideshow facility on here.

Best wishes, Simon.

Hi Simon,

Yes, I believe Auctiva is owned by Eb*y!! :D

I used to use the photobucket one, and it worked fine, but the template widths were changed and then they wouldn't fit in properly and I ditched it.

26th October 2007, 09:20 PM
The nice thing about the 2 scripts I found is that you and adjust the width to fit. You can also choose how many items you want to display.

The 1st script can also get your feebay items from your username, which is pretty cool but I didn't want one for there so I used the manual one where you had to input your own links and and descriptions. Now if it can be modified to access our items here.

27th October 2007, 12:08 AM
I emailed the author also to see if they could shed any light as to why it won't work on the blog.

I heard from the author and he is willing to upgrade it to XHMTL so that it will work on Blogger.

I'll keep you abreast of what happens.

27th October 2007, 01:12 AM
Hi Simon,

Yes, I believe Auctiva is owned by Eb*y!! :D

I used to use the photobucket one, and it worked fine, but the template widths were changed and then they wouldn't fit in properly and I ditched it.

LOL! That would explain why they never answered me then Corrine! (I know the 'Will Auctiva support eBid one day?' question crops up (or certainly used to) on the 'Auctiva Forum' quite regularly. That must really annoy FeePay :p! (But do I care? :rolleyes:)

All the best, Simon.

27th October 2007, 01:15 AM
I heard from the author and he is willing to upgrade it to XHMTL so that it will work on Blogger.

I'll keep you abreast of what happens.

Nice one Allen! :)

Keep us posted! I'm sure lots of us would use it on here.

Best wishes, Simon.

27th October 2007, 11:56 PM
I like CMJewels925's idea - it's simple and it's effective and it made me want to bid for the item. Don't ask why, because I really couldn't tell you. This isn't a plug as this item should be mine by next week! It's a charity listing, so here's the link anyway http://uk.nine.ebid.net/perl/auction.cgi/1193507645-27832-0 but don't anyone bid for it :eek:

28th October 2007, 07:08 AM
There isn't a slide show on CMJewells listing?

28th October 2007, 07:33 PM
Yes, I believe Auctiva is owned by Eb*y!!

I don't believe that it is.

Feebay is all about making money for Feebay.
Auctiva is free to use and actually takes money away from Feebay.

What I can't tell is how Auctiva makes any money for itself.

28th October 2007, 07:37 PM
I found 2 scripts that will display thumbnail images that are hyperlinked, the images scroll in a conveyor belt fashion.

Yep, there are plenty of free ones available.

The one that I like the best will not work .... on Blogger ...

What is Blogger?

Neither will work in a listing, guess you can't have scripts there.

Nope, you can't. I'd imagine that it's both a security thing and to stop the page layouts getting messed up.

28th October 2007, 11:07 PM
There isn't a slide show on CMJewells listing?

But it's quite effective with the graphics tabled like that :)

29th October 2007, 12:41 AM
What is Blogger?

I'm behind times it now blogspot which is free blogs hosted by Google.

Nope, you can't. I'd imagine that it's both a security thing and to stop the page layouts getting messed up.

Didn't really expect it to work on here, but figured I would give it a try.

We're making progress, it will now show on the blog but it isn't scrolling at present. Currently it has test data in it.

29th October 2007, 07:39 AM
Keep up the good work Allen!

Just had a quick look at your link and it was scrolling. Don't understand much about all these scripts etc, but when it's working let me know what I need to do to add it to my site.

29th October 2007, 07:21 PM
Think we've got it working, okay all I did was the testing the author form http://www.isdntek.com/tagbot/xsell.htm did all the real work.

I have it running on 2 blogs and my website

You can set yours up at http://www.isdntek.com/tagbot/xsell.htm

29th October 2007, 07:49 PM
Just had a quick try - it is very easy to use. Just need a bit of time to go through all my listings and put them in there. This is going to be a big bonus for us sellers - Allen, please pass on our thanks to the author and thankYOU for spotting it and asking them to adapt it.:)

Can we make this a sticky thread? It is a very useful tool for sellers.

29th October 2007, 08:01 PM
I'm pushing my luck a bit here, but........:rolleyes:

Gazza/Mark, would you be able to set something up so you can just put a tick against the listings we want then press a button and HEY PRESTO!, the slide show is created. :cool: It would make it easier for us to created mutliple slideshows and adapt them according to where we are going to post them.

29th October 2007, 08:08 PM
Just had a quick try - it is very easy to use. Just need a bit of time to go through all my listings and put them in there. This is going to be a big bonus for us sellers - Allen, please pass on our thanks to the author and thankYOU for spotting it and asking them to adapt it.:)

Can we make this a sticky thread? It is a very useful tool for sellers.
I forwarded your comment to the author.

I found it very easy to use, what I do is open eBid in one tab with all my items listed. I another tab I have X*Sell open. I use Firefox so I can have multiple tabs.

one the item I wan to use I right click the thumb nail image and choose 'copy image location' paste it into the image row on X*sell

Back to the item and open it, Ctl A/Ctl C the url and paste it on X*Sell

Back to item again and highlight and copy title, now paste this into X*sell

I find this pretty fast and easy way of getting it configured. Other than copying the image I use CTL C & CTL V for all the cutting and pasting.

30th October 2007, 02:23 PM
Got an email from the script author this morning and he is modifying it for eBid. I started a new thread about it. We need some help debugging it so go to http://helpdesk.ebid.net/showthread.php?p=566050#post566050 and click the link and check it out.

eBid will soon have it's very own X*Sell Cross Sell Gallery

1st November 2007, 10:56 AM
I have just attempted to use this scrolling utility and despite trying both search options it jut seems to hang with no listings appearing in the window.

1st November 2007, 02:33 PM
I'm pushing my luck a bit here, but........:rolleyes:

Gazza/Mark, would you be able to set something up so you can just put a tick against the listings we want then press a button and HEY PRESTO!, the slide show is created. :cool: It would make it easier for us to created mutliple slideshows and adapt them according to where we are going to post them.

Absolutely agree ToyCrazy. This would be very useful.

It's a long while since I was on the 'other one' so I can't remember for sure, but I believe with 'Auctiva', you just filled in the details on their web-page (User ID, password etc.) and it would auto-add the slideshow (with its own random choices from your other listed items) automatically to all your listings. This is a really important feature, to save time updating hundreds of listings etc.

All the best, Simon.

1st November 2007, 02:36 PM
I have just attempted to use this scrolling utility and despite trying both search options it jut seems to hang with no listings appearing in the window.

There seems to be a problem with the eBid version when using IE6/7 this has been reported and is being worked on.


1st November 2007, 10:06 PM
Looking good, Rednosty - most impressed by your 'on site' scroller :)

1st November 2007, 10:50 PM
If your not following the X*Sell thread the IE problem has been fixed.