View Full Version : Promoting your store

4th July 2007, 09:28 AM
Here are some ideas which I have, maybe people can offer any advice or guidance as to the best way to use these mediums to expand sales?

1. Youtube - one of the planets biggest websites, how could you tap into this?

2. MySpace - another of those big websites, but how can you get into it to generate sales?

3. Facebook - I've never even visited this website but here it bandied all over the news (I think its going to be the next big buyout, am I right?) - how to tap into this market?

4. Second Life - allegardly, you can make money in Second Life... my question is HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU DO IT???

5. Reciprocal Linking... never seen this work, anyone any ideas?

6. Stumbleupon- I think Ebay have bought this recently (might be wrong there). Its quite big...

Any ideas?

4th July 2007, 11:13 AM
lol no good asking me i only heard of two of em

4th July 2007, 11:38 AM
Regarding No 2 - a good place to start is by joining the Ebid My Space Group. We can build a wider interlinked network that way. Build a large friends list on your My Space profile - make genuine friends and they will get to know you, hopefully like you! and get to know about what you sell and where you sell it.:)

Regarding stumbleupon - I think that's linked to Squidoo as well. You can use it to bookmark your Squidoo site so that others can find you. See this thread below about Squidoo -


5th July 2007, 04:58 PM
Regarding No 2 - a good place to start is by joining the Ebid My Space Group. We can build a wider interlinked network that way. Build a large friends list on your My Space profile - make genuine friends and they will get to know you, hopefully like you! and get to know about what you sell and where you sell it.:)

Regarding stumbleupon - I think that's linked to Squidoo as well. You can use it to bookmark your Squidoo site so that others can find you. See this thread below about Squidoo -


eBid is listed on stumbleupon


5th July 2007, 05:49 PM
And here -
