View Full Version : ive been ripped of

8th December 2006, 12:12 PM
i am new to ebid after being on ebay for some time, placed bids on 4 auctions and won sent payment recorded delivery and now guess what out of 4 items i have been ripped of for 3 of them how do i get my money back ive tried finding telephone numbers for these people but none are listed is that the end of that is ebid really a waste of time

8th December 2006, 12:21 PM
Sorry to hear of your problems with other users. Have you contacted the ebid team by email? They're usually very helpful but I have to admit that I've not had this problem.

Are the 3 items which haven't arrived all from the same person? How have you gone about finding a phone number? If you have the name and address from sending the payment can you find them through directory inquiries? Also, have you tracked your recorded delivery payments to make sure they were actually received? How long is it since you sent the payments.

It's a great pity that you've had such a bad experience.

8th December 2006, 12:24 PM
thanks for your reply the auction were from 3 different peoplle the payments were all received as i tracked them via recorded delivery. one person is deregistered one is totally ignoring me and the other is totally ignoring me i have been through direct enquiries but there are no numbers listed i think ive just lost my money

8th December 2006, 12:33 PM
I hope it wasn't for much money. Perhaps you need to send off an email to the ebid help and support about these 3 sellers and also copy the email to the sellers themselves, explaining that their lack of response has left you no option.

As I don't know exactly when your transactions took place, the only thing I could say in 'defence' of the sellers is that I know there has been some outrageously bad weather in recent weeks in various parts of the country, this has left a number of people without their normal services and I know of a few who are having to resort to the old dialup connections until their usual service is restored.

I can also tell you that folk using Demon have been having a problem (including our local newspaper who are threatening to sue over loss of their broadband connection) so there could be perfectly legitimate reasons for the delays.

Ebid runs quite slowly anyway at times (you may have noticed) and I know my daughter can't use the site because of that. She can go and make sandwiches while she's waiting for a page to upload.

8th December 2006, 12:39 PM
Contact support@ebid.tv They will be able to give you phone numbers. :)

8th December 2006, 01:50 PM
i am new to ebid after being on ebay for some time, placed bids on 4 auctions and won sent payment recorded delivery and now guess what out of 4 items i have been ripped of for 3 of them how do i get my money back ive tried finding telephone numbers for these people but none are listed is that the end of that is ebid really a waste of time

I don't think it's ebid that's a waste of time, and neither should you ! It's unscrupulous or indifferent Sellers who are the waste of time and you've been unlucky in choosing to 'buy' from three of that kind. These sort of people are about on OTHER auctions sites too ........ :rolleyes:

I go along with the previous suggestion that you contact support@ebid.tv (support@ebid.tv) to obtain the Sellers' telephone details.

If you choose to abandon eBid at this early stage then that's your loss :( but good luck anyway

e :D

8th December 2006, 02:12 PM
out of 4 items i have been ripped of for 3 of them

If 3 of them are bad sellers it would help others if you gave them all negative feedback at least.

Due to recent changes, sellers of certain types of goods have problems of their own.

Post 3 & the end of post 4.


8th December 2006, 04:36 PM
If 3 of them are bad sellers it would help others if you gave them all negative feedback at least.

Due to recent changes, sellers of certain types of goods have problems of their own.

Post 3 & the end of post 4.


I agree with Gothica - you must give feedback for all three so other users can make informed choices. The one you did leave a negative for had zero feedback prior to you bidding on her auction. Always check feedback before bidding- this applies to all online auction sites.

8th December 2006, 05:02 PM
It would also be advisable that for future purchases, that you buy of someone who uses pppay, paypal or nochex at least you may have more of a chance in reclaiming your money for items not received.

As others have said this is not eBid fault as they only provide a platform for buyers to buy items and sellers to sell their warez,

Good Luck in anycase and why not name the sellers that you purchased items from so that others can steer clear of them.

10th December 2006, 02:26 PM
I have had a similar experience on another site and from my experience the actions to take are as follows:

1. Contact the ebid team and if email is the best method of contact then do this and inform them of your situation.

2. Check of you have a tracking number and try to track the orders by the method of postage, if it shows the items have been shipped, then you need to provide the tracking number details to the relevant postage company and ask them what has happened to your items.

3. If your method of payment is by card, then contact your card company and inform them of what has happened, they will then contact their fraud department and investigate and keep you upto date with these matters.

3. I agree with all the others who have suggested giving negative feedback. This does not help you but it will help others if they are informed of what has taken place.

I really do hope this helps you. I have been in your situation on another sites and from time to time such people unfortunately do exist.

Best Regards

11th December 2006, 04:45 PM
i am new to ebid after being on ebay for some time, placed bids on 4 auctions and won sent payment recorded delivery and now guess what out of 4 items i have been ripped of for 3 of them how do i get my money back ive tried finding telephone numbers for these people but none are listed is that the end of that is ebid really a waste of time

I was about to use this web site, and now after reading of your problems, feel uneasy. Some of the ads now on I've noticed, appear to be asking unreal prices for what they're selling.

11th December 2006, 04:45 PM
I was about to use this web site, and now after reading of your problems, feel uneasy. Some of the ads now on I've noticed, appear to be asking unreal prices for what they're selling.

11th December 2006, 05:06 PM
Sorry to hear that. Hope you will continue to have a look through. Mark and gazza have done a good job of getting rid of any items or people that they've suspected. There are a lot fewer fakes, and some items may be second hand. Hope you will continue to stop by from time to time to see how things are changing on the site. There is supposed to be a major update soon. :)

11th December 2006, 07:02 PM
I was about to use this web site, and now after reading of your problems, feel uneasy. Some of the ads now on I've noticed, appear to be asking unreal prices for what they're selling.

There's no need to feel uneasy - just make sure you read sellers feedback and 'all about me' page before you bid.

A little consumer common sence goes a long way:)