View Full Version : sellers attatudes

21st June 2006, 07:52 PM
Ok I am not going to get in full details here but the person that is on suspention and when hes off of it if they become nasty to me what do I do? I know its not my fault of whats been going on and said. I am still willing to pay him or her once the investagation is done I may be stupit to do so but I can not get this pruduct for that much in Canada I want itfor my bday. Thanks Rodney

21st June 2006, 09:22 PM
If you are even just a little bit worried about the seller, only hand over money that you can afford to lose. If you cannot afford to lose any money, then don't buy from them at all. If you DO buy, and they take your money without sending you the goods, there's very little you can do about it.

22nd June 2006, 09:14 AM
Ok I am not going to get in full details here but the person that is on suspention and when hes off of it if they become nasty to me what do I do? I know its not my fault of whats been going on and said. I am still willing to pay him or her once the investagation is done I may be stupit to do so but I can not get this pruduct for that much in Canada I want itfor my bday. Thanks Rodney
What is the sellers ID rodney ?

22nd June 2006, 02:54 PM
I cantsay at moment sorry but I just hope he dont give me a rude comment on here when hes suspended or off suspention. I made every efferd toget it delt with. Here in Canada we say $ for money UK uses another language for money wise. I desided to buy furniturelast night formy home and waittill I heard back from ebid about thematter. I get it today or tomarrow Looking forward to it

22nd June 2006, 02:57 PM
and re my post in here I know I am probablly a pain in the butt but EBID said I can use this in stead of asking sellers to many? in the main page for advise. I have taken there advise before a few times thanks

25th June 2006, 05:06 PM
how do I deleatemy wached products here?

25th June 2006, 09:01 PM
how do I deleatemy wached products here?

Go into your own "MyEbid" and pull up your Watched Items list.
For each item that you want to stop watching simply click the "REMOVE" option on the same line as the auction title.

25th June 2006, 09:11 PM
LOL thanks I am new here still God Bless