View Full Version : Thanks for the additional store categories

21st September 2005, 10:34 PM
thanks for adding an additional ten store categories- this will help me a lot

21st September 2005, 11:52 PM
You're welcome


18th October 2005, 10:21 AM
thanks for adding an additional ten store categories- this will help me a lot

And Me :D

This stupid bloody forum engine is telling me my message is too short to post and there's me responding to criticism about my "war and peace" postings by trying to be concise - you see? it's not my fault, it's this new flaming forum system that's forcing me to be verbose (that means "use too many words" - for them wot aint littrit) so everybody get off my case about it and get onto Gazza and Mark to make them let me write short messages that are to the point and don't need me to ramble on with pages of drivel just to get the forum automation to accept what I want to say............................