View Full Version : Not Many Bids Here

29th July 2005, 09:07 PM

Just wondering why most pages i search are virtually Bid Free.

Is there a reason for this?

Maybe not many users yet or am i doing something wrong.

How many users are registered on EBID please?

Thanks very much.

29th July 2005, 09:59 PM
Just wondering why most pages i search are virtually Bid Free.
Is there a reason for this?

How many users are registered on EBID please?

Most sellers sell by BuyNow prices - don't need to rely totally on bids.
There are about 200,000 people registered.

30th July 2005, 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by Sparkleman
Just wondering why most pages i search are virtually Bid Free.
Is there a reason for this?

How many users are registered on EBID please?

Most sellers sell by BuyNow prices - don't need to rely totally on bids.
There are about 200,000 people registered.

Another good reason may be that people often wait till the end of the auction to put their bid in to avoid being outbid too early.

30th July 2005, 10:50 PM
on the other hand it may just be that there are not many bids here.

I finally had to break down and put a few items on feepay. And got more sales in a week than on here in months. Lets hope some of them head over this way, and it works out enough to cover the fees on the dark side.

31st July 2005, 08:19 AM
Don't want to depress you but have had items on auction since March 2004 and have yet to sell a thing. The same items go on Ebay every week.

9th September 2005, 05:31 PM
Well yes it is true, and i am glad we are all being honest about it,

But at the same time i think there is something we can all do, to make sure ebid is Free List, not Bid Free!

That is, we should help spread the word and try to get our friends, clients, sellers registered here on Ebid!

Lets face it, 200,000 is a impressive number for a site that has not been around for long, but at the same time 200,000 divided over a thousand categories and subcatagories is not very much.

Finally, i think alot of the people who register here are infact Sellers, this is a problem, because if we are all sellers there isnt going to be much business!

We need to attract people like Ebay does, this is where the owners come in, to market more and more, until this site becomes the center of Auction attention :)

9th September 2005, 05:52 PM
For me - the fact i can have over 1000 auctions running here- with no time limit! means i will always make more sales here than on Feepay.

I use feepay every time they do a 5p listing day- i list a selection of items from my EBID store - and i tell customers where they can get more of the same!

It was 5p listing day on Feepay on Thurs. So I have 11 auctions running there just now (I have 1260 auctions running here) here's one of them: (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5240358608&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&rd=1) . please note this is NOT a plug- it's to show how i link back to ebid.

Warning. I am not advocating people to do as I do! I am probably breaking ebay rules and run a risk of having my account frozen. I am able to take that hit if it happens as here on EBId is my main base.

9th September 2005, 05:59 PM
spoken like a true Ebidder :D

9th September 2005, 06:57 PM
I like the way you show your non-payers, too many of them :)

17th October 2005, 06:34 AM
WOW! You most certainly are breaking ebay rules. I'm amazed you're gettin gaway with blatantly putting an ebid banner in your auctions!!!

You are also breaking the rule regarding Paypal too. You are not allowed to charge customers the paypal fees if they pay by paypal.

Good luck that you get away with it for longer. Wish I could get back on ebay but I'm suspended :-(

17th October 2005, 08:24 AM
I charge for Paypal also, but i'm starting to take it off my auctions slowly. Purely because of bad experience. Hate Paypal :mad:
What did you do, to get suspended? If you dont mind me asking :D

17th October 2005, 03:34 PM
Never had a problem with Paypal.

I got banned for listing Mclaren stuff which is bloody annoying when there are other sellers on there who have been selling the same for YEARS! :-(

My feedback was over 2000 too with just 7 negatives all from people who hadn't paid ME!

I must have made ebay several thousand pounds in the last couple of years with their fees. Just shows, they are so big they can afford to ban some of their best customers!

17th October 2005, 04:11 PM
I got suspended from ebay for selling 1 set of Bose speakers! Pathetic, but I'm glad now - having much more fun on here!

Anyway - As an idea if it helps your sales, I've had 6 sales today by offering free P&P.

17th October 2005, 10:17 PM
Just shows, they are so big they can afford to ban some of their best customers! Their Customer service sucks!
Never been suspended from feebay, got several warnings for listing LV/Gucci stuff as it was against their rules to sell something without LV/Gucci allowing you to or sumik along them lines.... yet again millions of ppl do it everyday, but oh well....
Well Done on your sales Tori, glad your making money, every little counts. :D