View Full Version : Paypal

15th March 2005, 03:54 PM
While I was surfing recently I came across this link regarding the Paypal accounts.
I have used them for a number of years without I might add any of the problems that have been writen about, but it has now made me re think just how much trust I can place in them.
I would like to know what other have to say about them. Thanks.

15th March 2005, 04:06 PM
Been using paypal for years for buying and selling and never had a problem.

Don't know about that site, could be fake - who knows?

15th March 2005, 04:10 PM
Ive use paypal for a few years now without a problem yet.
The trick is to make sure you've read and understand the UA completely then take steps to protect yourself as much as possible.
As a seller you need to make sure you always use online trackable means of posting and only to the registered payal address. If you want to take it a step further you may consider refusing payments that arent eligible for seller protection and asking thos buyers for another form of payment such as Nochex or Pppay.

As a buyer always make sure you look at your seller carefully. Check their feedback and make sure they have a long good record for selling items and if you chose to use paypal then fund it with a credit card whenever possible. This will give you an extra backup should something go wrong and paypal arent able to get your money back :-)

Remember with any site like that you need to keep things in perspective. You may hear a lot about negative experiences but how many people write about regular experiences when nothing goes wrong. You wouldnt believe every bad post on here about eBid.

15th March 2005, 04:28 PM
I have found that in my experience when Paypal is working well it is good; very good. However, when things go wrong they end up VERY wrong, and the support is not the best in the world.

Like any business, there are good and bad points. I personally dislike the amount of profit they make up their fees and percentages, but they are a business, out to make money. They are a very large organisation that has integrated very well into the online world - most people who buy/sell online have a Paypal account. In this respect I think that they have good business sense, just a shame their support lets them down.

30th April 2005, 09:22 PM
** Please take a look & reply at my poll, Thanks... http://helpdesk.ebid.tv/showthread.php?t=75924 **

8th May 2005, 11:35 AM
I've been using Paypal for years, no problem. Maybe pppay or nochex made that site to make paypal unpopular.

8th May 2005, 05:10 PM
Paypal made Paypal unpopular!

I had no problem with them.. until I had a problem! Now I consider them a total bunch of crooks. Their buyers protection policy is a lie- as is their sellers protection policy. If you ever do have an issue with Paypal where you KNOW you are in the right. Be prepared for the Paypal run arounmd where they will ask for things to be faxed, ignore emails unless they are sent from the 'account you joined with'. always tell you they have submitted something to the 'investigations department' (which doesnt exist!) then settle the case in whatever way avoids them having to pay anything.

If you doubt me- try removing your bank account from your paypal account?.. now try vieweing your direct debit instructions- Paypal will tell you you need the original email they sent you- However when you use the link in their original email - you'll get a message telling you the URL is split and doesnt work. I ended up cancelling my direct debit from the banks side in the end.

I can understand you thinking paypal is ok just now.. but I promise it's not a case of 'if' you have a problem it's a case of 'when'!

18th May 2005, 09:39 PM
Totally with you on that val4xx, I too hate PayPal.
I opened an account with them a few years back. Bank account( which I'll never do again by god!) and credit card.
For the first few months things were fine until I got my bank statement. Those SOB's stoled over $500 from my bank account!!!
When I raised holy hell over it they locked my account and stole over 2,000 dollars from that account!!
My wife did alot of ebay and they cleaned us out, every penny.
I am glad that it has not happened to the rest of you, but how long do you think you can really be safe with them?
I do have a small unverified(I ain't giving them nothing) account still with them, only because a family member sent me some money using them for my B-Day.
Once that money is gone, so will that account!!