View Full Version : Really, really fed up of this whole transaction!

22nd December 2004, 11:06 AM
Ok, won a dvd on the 20th of November. Posted payment and heard nothing, no cheque cashed. No reply to e-mails, so sent a letter. Then I finally heard last week seller was sorry had a family illness and would bank cheque xx and post dvd xx. Got another e-mail in response to letter think seller was a bit miffed but hey I hadn't heard a word for weeks cheque hadn't been cashed so what was I supposed to think (I wasn't rude, just pointed out the above).
Guess what? Cheque should have cleared by now, going from the date seller said would pay it in. No dvd either.
I am just sooo fed up I don't know what to do next!

22nd December 2004, 11:12 AM
I'd be tempted to cancel the cheque, mail the seller to say it's taken too long and chalk it up to experience.

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22nd December 2004, 01:12 PM
I am tempted to do just that actually- i'll e-mail again after Xmas and say it really needs to be done by such a date and if nothing then i'll think up a good fib to tell the bank so they don't charge me £7.50 to stop the cheque!

23rd December 2004, 09:28 AM
tell the bank that the cheque was lost in the post and has not arrived. They don't usually charge for this

12th January 2005, 07:11 AM
Or if they do charge, pass the cost on to the seller (at least threaten them with it in the next few days).