View Full Version : Is there a rule about quoting P&P in listings?

4th August 2003, 01:31 PM

Sorry if this is a daft question but I can't find the answer anywhere... are there rules about stating what the P&P charges are? (along the lines of the eb*y one about only being allowed to charge what's stated in the listing?)

I can't seem to find any rules about anything other than banned stuff... where are they? (or aren't there any????).



4th August 2003, 08:16 PM
The P&P can left as 'unknown' but a bidder can email you and ask what the P&P will be.

4th August 2003, 10:02 PM
Hello friendoftheearth :)

I don't think there is a specific rule about p&p :? - I've never seen one anyway, but I do think it helps your item sell if you can put the p&p costs in the box provided as well as putting them in the main text of your listing.

A word of warning though.... :!: You won't be a very popular seller if you use the p&p as a way of increasing your profit margin ..... you only have to take a look at the "£3 p&p" thread that is currently running in the Kitchen Table forum to see what other members think :twisted: :evil: :x about Sellers who do this :(

Good luck with your auctions :)

e :D