View Full Version : one for the tecnical folks here

13th May 2011, 10:22 PM
I have an acer computer and a netgear router....... for some reason every 3 (maybe 4) months my netgear keeps reseting it self for no reason and I can not get on line (or it just "turns it self off in the middle of me being on line).... Luckily because I know the guys who supplied the computer, the last time it happened they sent me an email with instructions of how to reset it so that it works but my question is......

Why would the router that is on 24/7 suddenly decide to reset it self every so often

Now I have the instructions it's not such a problem but it use to be

TIA Nigel

13th May 2011, 10:34 PM
Was gonna help - but i got lost after first 5 words.

13th May 2011, 11:05 PM
thanks anyway.... like I say it's annoying more than anything but to put it simply my router resets it self back to factory settings on it's on accord and I need to go onto the netgear site and set everything up again with my password etc

13th May 2011, 11:08 PM
My computer is home built but I do have a netgear router. 4 years same router never reset itself. Do you have your connection settings on "automatically detect connection" or do you have it exclusively set to your router?

15th May 2011, 11:54 PM
First thing I would check is that you are connecting to your own wireless router and not a neighbours identical router if they have one:) On the lines of what ardruml said, its possible your connection is dropping out and then reconnecting to a neighbours network without you noticin, or more annoying trying to connect to a old wireless network you have used before....

Not sure on windows 7, but this can be checked on xp by hovering your mouse over the little wifi connection icon, (should be i the bottom right of your screen) viewing all wireless connections and then selecting "change order of preferred networks".. in the options that come up, there will be a section stating preferred connections or similar.......just check that only your cnnection is in there.

Failing that, It sounds to me like it may be a power issue, maybe just a surge in electricity and its upsetting the router. Try getting hold of a surge protector and plugging the router into that and seeing how it goes and checking the firmware on the router is up to date.

16th May 2011, 05:27 PM
well I have checked all cables etc and all connections (and various other things I can think of) and I cant see why it resets.... mind you the place I bought the computer from have checked everything as well and they cant find anything wrong.... hence them giving me the instructions as to how to reset everything without them having to come here every time..... looks like it's just one of those things

16th May 2011, 05:33 PM
Are you getting any messages on your screen when it resets? If so what does it say?

16th May 2011, 05:46 PM
Any similarity in weather conditions? Could be over-heating?

16th May 2011, 06:18 PM
Any similarity in weather conditions? Could be over-heating?

I don't know if that would come into play with a router. A computer by all means yes,but I think the router just routes (no fans) interesting thought though. Usually when a router begins to go bad your computer gets slower (just one of the signs).
This sounds more like a connection type issue. Even wind will have an effect on a wireless connection but not to the point of resetting.
I had a similar issue with computer 2 at home when I changed the Motherboard and Power supply recently. The first day after it was up and running everything was fine. Unbeknownst (did I spell that right) to me the little darlin plugged in the actual hardwire thinking it should have been plugged in. (Well it was just laying there). The computer got confused and didn't know which connection to go for and we couldn't get the internet up. After unplugging the hardwire the computer was still recognizing 2 connections, my router and our neighbor's router. It took 5 times to set my router as the default before I realized I had to delete my neighbors router info. It then worked perfectly. I have no idea how my neighbor's router info got into this computer other then it may be automatically looking for open signals to use.
I believe this possibility has been mentioned before in the thread and could very well be the issue.
Go into your control panel and see how many connections are available. If there are connections you do not know those may have to be removed.

19th May 2012, 10:44 AM
Have you tried logging into router, or similar maybe username default is usually admin and password is password,
select `schedule` from left hand side and makesure Everyday and all day are ticked or selected,

Hope it helps,