View Full Version : Is it worthwhile?

13th November 2010, 10:44 AM
Hi I have a weekly subscription to Grazia magazine which I love , usually can't wait for the next issue to land on my doorstep. Does anyone think it would be worthwhile listing these once read?

13th November 2010, 10:49 AM
I think that depends on what you personal value of "worthwhile" is. You might sell a few for pennies plus postage, depending on who is in that month's issue. If you're happy to do that, it's better than sending them to landfill, from a re-use, reduce, recycle point of view. Will they be big earners, I doubt it. You'd need to be able to deliver for less than the cover price (no idea what that is, sorry). :-)

13th November 2010, 01:26 PM
Think I might trial run it for a while, like you say it is re cycling them if nothing else.

13th November 2010, 01:36 PM
You could try them in small bundles - 3 issues in 1 listing or something like that - emphasising a topic perhaps to gain interest. Trouble is the p&p on them may be high. Maybe try and work out how many will come under the royal mail weight & size bandings and do them that way - if that helps

If you're happy to just pass them on for someone else to get use out of them, perhaps somewhere like a local Residential Home may appreciate them, or something like a doctors or dentist for the waiting room.

13th November 2010, 01:47 PM
You could try them in small bundles - 3 issues in 1 listing or something like that - emphasising a topic perhaps to gain interest. Trouble is the p&p on them may be high. Maybe try and work out how many will come under the royal mail weight & size bandings and do them that way - if that helps

If you're happy to just pass them on for someone else to get use out of them, perhaps somewhere like a local Residential Home may appreciate them, or something like a doctors or dentist for the waiting room.

Don't tell anyone, but - I've been known to nick an interesing magazine I had started to read in the Doc's or dentist! ;) :) :) :)

13th November 2010, 03:39 PM
Don't tell anyone, but - I've been known to nick an interesing magazine I had started to read in the Doc's or dentist! ;) :) :) :)

Tut, tut.

(Me too).

19th November 2010, 01:42 PM
I deliberately landfill my papers and magazines, and any books not fit to sell.

They go through my paper shredder, I cover the shredded paper with soil in the garden, and then grow potatoes on it.
Within six months there is no sign of paper, but the soil keeps improving its texture