View Full Version : Same titled listings/duplicate auctions

26th March 2010, 10:59 AM
OK, the rule about not having same titled listings needs to be refined to ensure that identical items are listed in dutch auction, but similar items may be listed seperately even listing as different colours/designs ie: pink item, blue item has resulted in several of my auctions being removed. I've found in some cases similar items can be listed seperately and in others not. Please iron out the glitch I want to offer a choice to my customer, not pot luck. Don't let me down e bid I have cancelled my e bay account in favour of you guys (-:

26th March 2010, 11:03 AM
Give them some example IDs of ones that have worked and failed and you stand a better chance of getting a positive reaction. They're geeks, they like hard data. :D

14th April 2010, 12:22 PM
OK, the rule about not having same titled listings needs to be refined to ensure that identical items are listed in dutch auction, but similar items may be listed seperately even listing as different colours/designs ie: pink item, blue item has resulted in several of my auctions being removed. I've found in some cases similar items can be listed seperately and in others not. Please iron out the glitch I want to offer a choice to my customer, not pot luck. Don't let me down e bid I have cancelled my e bay account in favour of you guys (-:
I'm in a similar situation. defected from the other place,uploaded all buy it now items from my shop stock via turbo lister and ninja only to have to manually alter descriptions several times after items being rejected as duplicates. I can understand the issue with auctions, but not with fixed price items. Can this be addressed?

14th April 2010, 04:22 PM
As long as titles are different then the listings should not be rejected. If you have similar items then the difference should appear in the title e.g. Blue Vase, Red Vase.

Massaging titles (e.g. Blue Vase, Vase Blue) in order to circumvent eBid's policy on listing identical items individually is not allowed.

eBid's policy is the same regardless of if the listing is biddable or fixed price. If you are selling more than one of the same items they should be in a single multiple item listing. I can't see eBid changing that policy and would not wish to see them do so.

16th April 2010, 03:31 AM
I'm in a similar situation. defected from the other place,uploaded all buy it now items from my shop stock via turbo lister and ninja only to have to manually alter descriptions several times after items being rejected as duplicates. I can understand the issue with auctions, but not with fixed price items. Can this be addressed?

To clarify, duplicate TITLES get the item pulled, not duplicate DESCRIPTIONS. No issue with descriptions.

Rule is no duplicates no matter what the venue. No one likes wading thru page after page of duplicate listings. Annoying to go on other sites and find hundreds of duplicate listings. What is the purpose? If I don't want one, why should I want 500?

18th April 2010, 03:00 PM
|It does seem as though certain sellers are putting up duplicates and they are going on ignored.

I did report one seller with many duplicates and a couple of weeks later they are still there. Strange how some get rejected and others not.

18th April 2010, 03:07 PM
|It does seem as though certain sellers are putting up duplicates and they are going on ignored.

Seems to have got worse since the introduction of the Ninja Lister and listings being imported from eBay.

It does need to be clamped down on - rules should apply to all. Plus we don't want to see an eBayesque situation where search results show reams of results for the same item.

18th April 2010, 04:27 PM
Exactly, it is really bad when you get pages of results for the exact item from the same seller over and over again.

I do not understand why some are getting through and not being removed. I guess some are doing it to get their stores listed higher due to having more items for sale but if we all did that then the listings would be just awful like elsewhere.

20th April 2010, 12:01 PM
As long as titles are different then the listings should not be rejected. If you have similar items then the difference should appear in the title e.g. Blue Vase, Red Vase.

Massaging titles (e.g. Blue Vase, Vase Blue) in order to circumvent eBid's policy on listing identical items individually is not allowed.

eBid's policy is the same regardless of if the listing is biddable or fixed price. If you are selling more than one of the same items they should be in a single multiple item listing. I can't see eBid changing that policy and would not wish to see them do so.
Hi guys, yes on this occasion I had things listed as, Pink stiped socks, blue socks, plain pink socks etc and they were all removed. I have learnt my lession. And now make titles as different as possible. All accademic really as lack of sales on e bid may well force me back to the dark side, I've tried highlighting, having featured auctions etc. I have given out flyers, promoted myself on facebook, It's a lot of hard work for zero return. I joined e bid 3 years ago and went back to the dark side for the same reason. Any suggestions? I've sold a lot of the same kind of stuff on the other side, but resent paying the fees. Where am I going wrong guys?

20th April 2010, 02:04 PM
Hi guys, yes on this occasion I had things listed as, Pink stiped socks, blue socks, plain pink socks etc and they were all removed. I have learnt my lession. And now make titles as different as possible. All accademic really as lack of sales on e bid may well force me back to the dark side, I've tried highlighting, having featured auctions etc. I have given out flyers, promoted myself on facebook, It's a lot of hard work for zero return. I joined e bid 3 years ago and went back to the dark side for the same reason. Any suggestions? I've sold a lot of the same kind of stuff on the other side, but resent paying the fees. Where am I going wrong guys?

You can have up to 5 free stores, so there is no reason to put your photographs in with socks.

I'd have one store for your art stuff, & one for the rest, 2 stores twice the exposure.

As for your Art Listings, the immediate problem I see is

Your titles describe what's in the image for example Chevrolet, they give the size (in metric & imperial)
they don't say what they are,
you don't see that until you go into the listing, going on the images they could just as easily be greeting cards, or postcards

28th April 2010, 04:23 AM
I'm in a similar situation. defected from the other place,uploaded all buy it now items from my shop stock via turbo lister and ninja only to have to manually alter descriptions several times after items being rejected as duplicates. I can understand the issue with auctions, but not with fixed price items. Can this be addressed?
anyone can have duplicates here, just have to change the title a bit for each one. they need to look at pictures, not titles. I sell christening and communion clothes and there are only so many ways to write the title for each. the dresses are a bit easier... but the boys christening.... they are always white, satin or cotton, and boys. I got a listing today removed for so called duplicate when the item was not... but the title was the same as another outfit as they both are boys christening satin outfit
like I said, anyone can list duplicates just by changing the title name.
I am really new here, have an ebay account... came here about a week ago.

28th April 2010, 07:12 AM
anyone can have duplicates here, just have to change the title a bit for each one. they need to look at pictures, not titles. I sell christening and communion clothes and there are only so many ways to write the title for each. the dresses are a bit easier... but the boys christening.... they are always white, satin or cotton, and boys. I got a listing today removed for so called duplicate when the item was not... but the title was the same as another outfit as they both are boys christening satin outfit
like I said, anyone can list duplicates just by changing the title name.
I am really new here, have an ebay account... came here about a week ago.

If you have the space you could try "boys christening satin oufit design 1" - design 2 etc. Then your titles will be different.

I list bundles of quilting fabric from the same range eg title would be "Moda - Breath of Avignon fat quarter bundle" but each individual bundle is different so I just add a pack number to the title "Moda - Breath of Avignon fat quarter bundle 1" ; "Moda - Breath of Avignon fat quarter bundle 2" and so on and haven't had any problems with illicit removals so far. As the listings/auctions progress it is likely that the bundles will become separated from each other and so adding a number lets buyers know that I have other co-ordinating designs available in that range that they can look for - which I see as an advantage!:) You would be letting customers know you have more than one christening outfit for boys!

28th April 2010, 07:15 AM
anyone can have duplicates here, just have to change the title a bit for each one. they need to look at pictures, not titles. I sell christening and communion clothes and there are only so many ways to write the title for each. the dresses are a bit easier... but the boys christening.... they are always white, satin or cotton, and boys. I got a listing today removed for so called duplicate when the item was not... but the title was the same as another outfit as they both are boys christening satin outfit
like I said, anyone can list duplicates just by changing the title name.
I am really new here, have an ebay account... came here about a week ago.

You appear to be saying it's really easy to change the titles if you're lying, but impossible to do so if you're honest. :confused:

As for people changing titles to cheat - sure, there are always any number of ways for dishonest people to be dishonest. All one can do is put reasonable checks in place. And we can help by reporting anything we see.

With your own items being very similar, if they are genuinely different items I'd expect there to be some way of saying so, even if it's only to give each different design a code number. I'm sure once you've done a few you'll get into a rhythm and it will all get easier.

Welcome aboard!

29th April 2010, 01:20 AM
If you have the space you could try "boys christening satin oufit design 1" - design 2 etc. Then your titles will be different.

I list bundles of quilting fabric from the same range eg title would be "Moda - Breath of Avignon fat quarter bundle" but each individual bundle is different so I just add a pack number to the title "Moda - Breath of Avignon fat quarter bundle 1" ; "Moda - Breath of Avignon fat quarter bundle 2" and so on and haven't had any problems with illicit removals so far. As the listings/auctions progress it is likely that the bundles will become separated from each other and so adding a number lets buyers know that I have other co-ordinating designs available in that range that they can look for - which I see as an advantage!:) You would be letting customers know you have more than one christening outfit for boys!

Yes, I do something similiar when I have two vintage items like doilies or tea towels. Never had any listings removed.

We discussed the way duplicates get removed once before and speculated it is a robot monitoring new listings rather than an ebid employee chained to a chair 24/7. Happens too fast to be a person manually taking them down.

So hope our robot buddy hasn't gone beserk and is starting to take out non doubles?

29th April 2010, 03:23 AM
anyone can have duplicates here, just have to change the title a bit for each one. they need to look at pictures, not titles. I sell christening and communion clothes and there are only so many ways to write the title for each. the dresses are a bit easier... but the boys christening.... they are always white, satin or cotton, and boys. I got a listing today removed for so called duplicate when the item was not... but the title was the same as another outfit as they both are boys christening satin outfit
like I said, anyone can list duplicates just by changing the title name.
I am really new here, have an ebay account... came here about a week ago.

Not quite. I would call it a smidge of tolerance for one double, but no tolerance for more than that. Big difference.

No duplicate titles. Why waste time arguing w/ robots about it? And running duplicates under various names is in violation. Don't go there.

Go another route. Look at your stock and note variations. As an example 3 types of fabric/colors for boy/girl would mean listings:

Cream satin Christening Gown boy
Cream satin Christening Gown Girl

White satin Christening Gown Boy
White satin Christening Gown Girl

White Cotton Christening Gown Boy
White Cotton Christening Gown Girl

Six listings, all in compliance. No duplicate titles.

Add twins to each of above w/ variations for sex (2 g, 2 b, 1g&1B) or 3x6 or 18 additional listings, all in compliance. You have total of 24 listings now. All in compliance.

At this point, I would not take the risk of running all above as duplicates #1 #2, because the problem has been noted with you already.

Alternative to that, all Dutch auctions, one for each of above.

2nd January 2011, 05:44 PM
brand new (today) to ebid. Have put up one auction but I have opened a store and want to list the same item from auction also in store as a fixed price (have multiple units of same item).
Does anyone know if this would be considered a duplicate listing?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.

2nd January 2011, 06:15 PM
It would be a duplicate. Just add the one listed already to your store by editing the listing

2nd January 2011, 06:41 PM
Thanks for your help meebo1!!

2nd January 2011, 07:00 PM
If you have several of the same items you could close the current listing then relist it as a Dutch listing with a bid price AND a buy now price and put it in your shop at the same time. Putting an item into a shop doesn't affect visibility here. Unfortunately, you do need to close it to make the changes as you cannot change a listing quantity from single to multiple (or vice versa) on a live listing.