View Full Version : Need a little help with a Bible please?

28th October 2009, 03:46 PM
Afternoons folks :D

I have one of these huge, ancient Self Representing Family Bibles :confused:

I've had a bit of a scrounge around the web, and some of them are priced in hundreds :eek:

yet, on the other side.....i've seen some fail to get a 99p bid :confused:

The leatherwork on mine is a bit worn, but it has all the metalwork & clasps.

How do you date this Bible? There's nothing on it anywhere?

Any info would be appreciated :)

Yvonne x



ps. If this should be in books & mags? Just give me the nod and i'll move the thread.....ta muchly :D

28th October 2009, 04:44 PM
What a little beauty! My questions are: What is the date on this? Looks 1850s 1860?? Does it have a family name and history in it? If so, that is a real plus.

If it were mine, I would spend some time going on vintage on line bookstores finding a range to prices something similiar sells for. Then pick a first bid in that range.

Many of us dropped the little trick of putting a low starting bid hoping buyers will jump in and engage in a furious bidding war. Bidders don't like to do that here. They like to bid or buy it now instead.

28th October 2009, 06:20 PM
I wonder if you could get any info by googling the publisher

28th October 2009, 08:47 PM
I wonder if you could get any info by googling the publisher

I bet that publisher is long gone, but if you could find their history it would help to narrow down the time frame.

Earlier this year I had a batch of smaller bibles, all with dates, 1850s, 1860s, 1890s etc, even a 1799 one, and this sure looks like the earlier ones!! The print type varies with the older ones. Mine were smaller, a bit damaged, so I just looked them up on a couple of big book auction sites and priced accordingly.

Any book experts in our membership? Maybe they can steer you toward an expert in the field. I am guessing along with some real age to this one, there is a bit of value too.

Good luck,

29th October 2009, 12:50 AM
Imfo on publisher is available with date ranges of publication. I've seen imfo on children's historical publications that was quite detailed. Can't remember the group, think they were called antiquarians or something like that. Try to goggle.

P.S. Great looking Bible!

29th October 2009, 01:37 AM
I googled it. The actual title & publisher. History on the publisher 1884. Original, 1st edition 1792 listed for $8K; think I saw the one you are listing with date of 1873. Seems to have different publishers - UK & USA (?). You can find this on the bay. Neat bible.

29th October 2009, 09:09 AM
Addall are the best bet for finding if any antiquarian book is for sale, in what quantities and at what prices. Here is the link for your bible:


No6 looks as if it is the same as yours. There is no date given but it appears to have been reprinted many times between about 1850 and 1890 and it weighs in at a healthy £232.41 (converted from dollars ?) which seems pretty good as family bibles like this have survived in quite large numbers

29th October 2009, 10:18 AM
In real world auctions (as well as on sellbay), Victorian bibles regularly go un-sold. They will attract bids from dealers according to whether they have any coloured pictures in them that are suitable for framing and selling on; in those cases, dealers will pay up to £20, dependant on the number of pictures. In my store rooms, I have half a dozen leather and brass bound bibles, one in 'mint' condition, but they are worthless to me as a dealer for anything other than shelf decoration. The only valuable bibles are early - 17th century ones with special pictures.

Bibles are part of a 'category' that ought to be worth much more than they are; they are never as rare as people think, and are always worth more to the family whence they came.

29th October 2009, 12:11 PM
if it helps http://www.antiqbook.co.uk/boox/east/11350.shtml

29th October 2009, 04:22 PM
In real world auctions (as well as on sellbay), Victorian bibles regularly go un-sold. They will attract bids from dealers according to whether they have any coloured pictures in them that are suitable for framing and selling on; in those cases, dealers will pay up to £20, dependant on the number of pictures. In my store rooms, I have half a dozen leather and brass bound bibles, one in 'mint' condition, but they are worthless to me as a dealer for anything other than shelf decoration. The only valuable bibles are early - 17th century ones with special pictures.

Bibles are part of a 'category' that ought to be worth much more than they are; they are never as rare as people think, and are always worth more to the family whence they came.

Kind of sad really as they are such little beauties. Our family lost ours in North Wales about 30 years ago when a house was sold and are always hoping it will turn up at some sale somewhere (no one would really throw it away we hope). A shame there is no way to unite them with their families.

29th October 2009, 05:13 PM
Kind of sad really as they are such little beauties. Our family lost ours in North Wales about 30 years ago when a house was sold and are always hoping it will turn up at some sale somewhere (no one would really throw it away we hope). A shame there is no way to unite them with their families.

I very much agree; it is sad and wouldn't it be great if they could be reunited with their families. :)