View Full Version : ''official'' DVDs part 2

13th September 2009, 07:47 AM


A illegal DVD Movie could contain any or all of the indicators shown:

1.’’ALL’’ zone region code
2.Different or Poor-quality labels from original DVD Region code 1 (US,CA)
3.Release date of the title-Film is currently in cinemas or is not yet have officialy release
4.Zone I Logos and Asian or Cyrillic characters
5.Usually packaged differently from original DVD Region code 1 (US,CA)
6.Copyright holder not mentioned, incorrect or fictitious
7.Disc and inlay card distributed in polythene wallet with no hard case
8.Illegal DVDs often have obliterated SID Codes, or no SID Code

Well...good luck everbody....

20th October 2009, 03:14 PM
I myself am selling DVD's which have Region 0 which is "ALL" zones region code, therefore my DVD's with Region 0. Are not illegals

20th October 2009, 05:05 PM
I myself am selling DVD's which have Region 0 which is "ALL" zones region code, therefore my DVD's with Region 0. Are not illegals

According to the FACT website,
films shouldn't be region 0.

20th October 2009, 07:57 PM
I myself am selling DVD's which have Region 0 which is "ALL" zones region code, therefore my DVD's with Region 0. Are not illegals

Well...I going to write much more and this all is not about you or me is just ‘’fact’’ for all sellers or buyers in here. Ok I just saying for US Market any ''NEW RELEASE'' must be in REGION 1 (US,CA) I mean Hollywood stuff, for other market REGION (2) Europe any ''NEW RELEASE'' same Hollywood stuff must be too in REGION (2) Europe. Likes movies: Batman, Transformers, X-Men, any Disney Movie New Release and so on many more and for TV Shows New Release Likes: House, West Wing, Lost, Sopranos,Monk and so on many more...I mean If you buy any new release in USA regular store or on line regular store in here you going to receive any new release exactly in REGION 1 no REGION ALL, NO REGION 0, NO REGION FREE. And same rules you can see for Europe Market for regular retail store or on line only REGION 2 and by the way I buy much new release from Europe and I receive only REGION 2 titles for Hollywood stuff. In the end I just say ''OFFICIAL'' release for others Markets for Hollywood stuff is: SOUTHEAST ASIA: REGION 3, CHINA: REGION 6, RUSSIA, and UKRAINA: REGION 5. This is ''OFFICIAL NEW RELEASE'' if you buy any new release and receives any DVD from this part of the world and is in original regions codes which are come from and you have original language from country you buy this stuff only and after that you can resell this stuff without any problem, but guess what? People in here or England can’t watch this or don’t understand language so ILLEGAL stuff transfer this on ALL code and write all in English language to easy sell this like ’’so called official release’’ trust me because I know many sellers in ''feebay'' go down in tubes and pay high price for copyright stuff I just don't like in here in eBid to follow same path likes in ''feebay'' and flood this auction with this similar stuff and as I say before I am good person I just say I look in my business but if just if some of buyers buy in here likes in ''feebay'' this stuff and turn over this stuff in copyright office many sellers who selling this stuff is going to have very big problem very very very big...a sample if any auction site just throw out from auction this stuff sellers is lucky but if after that buyers who buy this stuff from sellers turn this stuff in copyright office well this is something huh very big problem for seller because copyright office is going after seller and is going to find very easy and after that I just say god help this seller. As I say before too New Release REGION 1 (US,CA) AND REGION 2 (EUROPE) Don't exist for regular retail sale in Asia market because of simple fact people can't watch region 1 or 2 in Asia market is same likes you in here in any regular retail store sell region 3,5 or 6 people can't watch. And I think any region of any part of the world have own code because of business just to protect business sale likes: any new release cost in here about $15 to $20 in Asia market official release cost about $2 to $3 because of living standard but any new release come from Asia market have exactly region code plus all covers is in Chinese letters and movie is in Chinese language, but REGION: ALL, 0 or FREE cost about less of $1 to copy this stuff and put in English words and package and don’t have SID codes on the disc which is not original factory new release approved by Distributors. Well I say too you have many DVD movies which is come in region all, 0 or free but all this stuff is some of documentary or foreign release not I say again not any of this is NEW RELEASE Hollywood blockbusters or TV Shows…I write much and my English writing is not ‘’that’’ good but I hope I made my point, just don’t flood this Auctions with this stuff in here and I see some of buyers in here already receive some items which is not legal to sell in Auction and buyers left negative feedback…but some of people happy with this stuff after buy it because of one simple fact is very cheap and price is way too down from retail price from regular retail store I explain before why is that and one more time because movies from region code ALL, 0 or FREE cost less of $1 to produce this, well like myself and maybe some other sellers have 1 or tree-four items which is original release in here and willing to sell this way below retail price because is not going to hurt if you lose money from only one or two items. For my auction I take for all my items picture and say ‘’what you see is what you get’’ and description of all my items but I know what I can sell and what not is not for sale. This is it I wish good luck for anybody in here and good sales and good buying.

21st October 2009, 12:48 AM
According to the FACT website,
films shouldn't be region 0.

I'd better inform HMV then as the DVD's I get from there the some of them have region 0 on them.

21st October 2009, 02:11 AM
There are some imprints that will release in region 0/region free - some Criterion, Anchor Bay and Tartan releases come like this. ALL can be checked back to their individual sites to confirm though, as not all are released in this way.
Older films/documentaries/general interest - all may get a region free release.
But if you are looking at a brand new film, region free/0 - fake. No question.

21st October 2009, 05:49 AM
Clap,clap,clap,clap....Finaly somebody understand what I mean for ''NEW RELEASE DVDs''...Bravo Ruby...I don't know your name but I just call you ''Ruby'' is short and is easy for me....Deal ?

10th May 2010, 03:59 PM
Here's an easy way to tell. Put the DVD in your computer, if Windows Media player can not read the tracks and they come up as "Unknown title" AND the disc is not copy protected, it is fake.

Yep...but anyway I think in here on Auction for Movies TV Shows U.S. Auction likes I say hundred times already a 90% from New Release Blockbusters is from Asian market no questions about that and you can see for yourself just check prices a simple from Amazon store where is original Region 1 (US,CA) and you can see from prices in here is big differences in prices and by the way I say many times too NO region 0 or FREE or Region ALL exist for legal retail sales in any store in U.S. not even one from Hollywood New Release...

30th May 2010, 05:35 PM
I'd better inform HMV then as the DVD's I get from there the some of them have region 0 on them.

Craig. I'm with you. I have bought DVD's from HMV stores before and they have been all region too! I'm sure they are not in the habit of selling illegal copies, being the main high street movie store in the UK. As I doubted myself I went and looked on my shelf and yes a couple are all region.

30th May 2010, 05:41 PM
Quote taken from Amazon.co.uk website "Region 0 (or "region free") is compatible with DVD players from any region.

The majority of all current titles play only in one specific region unless otherwise noted. DVDs sold by Amazon.co.uk are encoded for Region 2 or Region 0. Region 2 DVDs may not work on DVD players in other countries."

Surely Amazon wouldn't sell Region 0 copies if they were fake?


30th May 2010, 07:06 PM
Quote taken from Amazon.co.uk website "Region 0 (or "region free") is compatible with DVD players from any region.

The majority of all current titles play only in one specific region unless otherwise noted. DVDs sold by Amazon.co.uk are encoded for Region 2 or Region 0. Region 2 DVDs may not work on DVD players in other countries."

Surely Amazon wouldn't sell Region 0 copies if they were fake?


Region 0 doesn't mean it is a fake, it just means it is region 0.
There are loads of genuine region 0 DVDs, they are mainly children's educational DVDs, old TV series and low budget films that have been re-released on DVD
I think the reason they are made in region 0 is because they are unlikely to be hot sellers, and the DVD producers just can't be bothered with the extra hassle of creating different stock for each region. ;)

31st May 2010, 02:13 AM
Region 0 doesn't mean it is a fake, it just means it is region 0.
There are loads of genuine region 0 DVDs, they are mainly children's educational DVDs, old TV series and low budget films that have been re-released on DVD
I think the reason they are made in region 0 is because they are unlikely to be hot sellers, and the DVD producers just can't be bothered with the extra hassle of creating different stock for each region. ;)

Yep, you are right a 100% but I always talk about New Blockbuster Hollywood hits and for new Release TV Shows released by Hollywood and not even 1 from this category are released in form Region 0,or All or Region free...always is Region 1 (US,CA) a 100% I talk about only for US Sales market but by the way I buy many new release movies and TV Shows from Amazon U.K. from original Amazon store not from any private seller from U.K. because I live in USA and Amazon U.K. wont allow me to buy from any private seller from U.K. but that's ok and I always receive after I buy from original store only Region 2 (Europe) new release movies not even 1 from others Regions Likes Region free, or 0 or All...and my point in the end is very simple anybody can see from that both markets in USA and in U.K. just try to protect sales market in that way and all new release or TV shows from both market sell to you only Region 1 (US,CA or Region 2 (Europe) because for legal retail sales for new Release movies or TV shows just don't exist any other Region for legal sales in both markets in US or U.K. ,I just hope I finally sort out this for about New Release movies and TV Shows...huh...

31st May 2010, 04:39 AM
Sorry, guys, but this thread has me totally confused! All I can glean is that DVDs can't always be played on US or Canada equipment. Except the ones labelled Region 0. But some authorities say Region 0 ones are legal, and others say they are illegal.

I think I'll stick to DVDs from Best Buy. One of those rare retailers with high standards. I think it's worth it to pay a bit more in this case.

31st May 2010, 11:46 AM
Sorry, guys, but this thread has me totally confused! All I can glean is that DVDs can't always be played on US or Canada equipment. Except the ones labelled Region 0. But some authorities say Region 0 ones are legal, and others say they are illegal.

I think I'll stick to DVDs from Best Buy. One of those rare retailers with high standards. I think it's worth it to pay a bit more in this case.

DVD region codes are designed to allow film studios to control aspects of a release, including content, release date, and price, according to the region.

That is all they are for !
They do not give any indication of the authenticity of a DVD.

If you live in the USA or Canada:

A standard DVD player will be set up to play region 1 and region 0 DVDs
If you have a multi region DVD player, you will be able to play DVDs from any region

If you live in the UK or Europe:

A standard DVD player will be set up to play region 2 and region 0 DVDs
If you have a multi region DVD player, you will be able to play DVDs from any region

There are many ways to spot fake DVDs but using the region code isn't valid. :)

31st May 2010, 07:53 PM
Sorry, guys, but this thread has me totally confused! All I can glean is that DVDs can't always be played on US or Canada equipment. Except the ones labelled Region 0. But some authorities say Region 0 ones are legal, and others say they are illegal.

I think I'll stick to DVDs from Best Buy. One of those rare retailers with high standards. I think it's worth it to pay a bit more in this case.

Well I already say all about this is very simple is not confused...Like Fountain DVD already say :''There are loads of genuine region 0 DVDs, they are mainly children's educational DVDs, old TV series and low budget films that have been re-released on DVD.'' so you can see from that very Cleary and a 100% is All New Release movies, Blockbuster Hits and New Release TV Shows for both markets in here USA and in U.K. are released only in Region 1 (US,CA) and for U.K. Region 2 (Europe)...All Stuff which is come from Asia market for like this New Release is not original, as I remember for China a sample is Region 6 for new release that's all no other region exist for legal sales for new release movies and TV Shows new release...and from the past time and now as I remember every seller who selling same stuff on ''Feebay'' USA Auction have always problem for copyrights or catch him and always the seller is based in USA you can check for yourself all records on the Net for about this copyright for new release movies and TV Shows for many sellers who selling in the past on USA ''Feebay'' auction site...so a 100% any of this sellers sell stuff from Asia Market like: Region ALL, or 0 or Free Region new release movies and even Region 1 but this come from Asia market which I already say Region 1 don't exist for legal sales in Asia market...so why if I am wrong why every like this seller who catch him always pay very heavy price or even end up in jail if this is legal to sell in USA market new release stuff...and you can see for yourself too like you say for Best Buy Stores go in and if you find any new release movie or TV shows new release in Region all or 0 or free...well you don't...and you can check many prices for a sample any TV Shows Released for USA market in any legal retail stores or in the net you can see Cleary prices how is very different and high prices from region: All or 0 or Free which is for sale for very low prices from Region 1 Release...and how in god sake any legal company can give to you same title same new release in region 1 and region:All,0 or free region for very 2 different prices no way, so in the end like you say just stick it for Best Buy a sample a less in the future if you ever decide after watching to sell this item you not going to have problem but if you buy stuff from Asia market and many like this come via EMS shipping company and you try to sell this in the future too is just not guarantee you not going to have any problem...well anybody can say anything about this is free country and free speech I just try to save any seller or buyer who end up in similar stuff large trouble...

Good luck for everybody...

6th September 2010, 08:09 PM
You Can't Buy or Sell DVD Box Sets from Asia! Period!
There are dozens of websites and hundreds if not thousands of individual sellers on any Auction sites offering DVD Box Sets dirt cheap. They say - it's an official Asian release, that's why the price tag is so low. Let me tell you this – there's no such a thing as so called “Asian Imports” in the DVD box set market.
Yes, there are DVDs produced only for China but you won't find any English writing on the box, neither and English audio track inside the movie. And they are available only in China, only for the local market. So called “Asian Imports” are counterfeit DVD copies, illegal to buy and sell anywhere in western World.
In the end new release movies and TV shows Box sets don’t exist for legal sale in the Asian market likes; Region 1, Region Free, Region All or Region 0…Only legal version exist for Asian market and this is: Region 3 or Region 6, Without English Language…All other stuff is simple FAKE…for all Buyers you pay with REAL money so in the return you expect REAL item not a FAKE…
Just forget about buying and Selling DVD Box Sets from China and you'll save yourself a lot of troubles!