View Full Version : Busy Lizzies - YDC?

15th August 2009, 03:51 PM
I've been busy and have taken some busy lizzie cuttings. They are now nicely rooted and have been potted on.

Just to see if its worth me listing them on the YDC - is it something that you would be interested in bidding on?

15th August 2009, 05:03 PM
If my death touch is OK then yes, if they did easy then no (not for me)

15th August 2009, 05:08 PM
I would definitely be interested...not saying they would survive in my garden, but they could take their chances along with the rest.

15th August 2009, 05:12 PM
they're not as forgiving as the money plant - and do need watering regularly. Like the money plant, they can survive quite happily outside during the warmer summer months - yes even in our 'wonderful wet and windy' summers - but they are not frost proof.

Thank you - I know they'll 'earn their keep' in the next YDC - so I'll know it was worth taking the cuttings.