View Full Version : How is everyone going with gems and jewellery sales?

12th February 2009, 10:03 PM
I've sold here before, and wandered over to see how sales are going here. It is the same here as everywhere else at the min? Dead?

I'm thinking about coming back to sell, and just wondering how peeps in this section are finding sales. Any comments appreciated, thanks :)

13th February 2009, 01:19 PM
I had some jewelry listed here but moved them to some where else because nothing was happening here. It is selling on the other site very well. I think until something is done with the Fine Jewelry category that it is going to stay dead, it need to be revamped to separate the different kinds of jewelry instead of throwing it all together, it would make searches easier for buyers.

13th February 2009, 10:12 PM

My jewellery sales have slowed down a bit but my bead sales have increased. I haven't had any buyers tell me that they find it difficult to locate what they're looking for - most people are competent enough to filter search results.

I'd say, list away - it's not going to cost you anything unless something sells and it certainly won't sell if it's not listed.

14th February 2009, 06:19 PM
Sales have been slow since Christmas in all my outlets on and offline although I have had 5 commissions from existing customers.It takes time and dilligence to create a customer base no matter what the outlet .I have to admit I haven't put much energy into here of late and am sure if I make the effort and list more I will get the rewards in terms of sales. Regarding the catergory scenario I agree with CMjewels - if I am looking to buy I search and find it - or find that none are stocked on here..which only adds to the argument for sellers to get listing :)

20th February 2009, 02:48 PM
well i have only sold one necklace in the past couple of months although it was the highest priced item in my shop i was offering free uk p&p but still only one sale :(

i have a website and items listed on folksy also but nothing selling i've sold more offline then i have here but i keep trying hopefully i will be able to list a lot more next week as i dont think you can list too much more chance of selling if i have loads on i hope :)

24th February 2009, 10:14 PM
Although I went to an auction last night and things (coins, jewelry, glass, etc) were selling like hotcakes. On line, we probably need to try different strategies when bidding is down; vary what we sell, sell in many price category, cater to multiple purchases, give shipping discounts etc.

From looking at that auction last night, I think the stuff all of us sell is going to pick up soon.

10th April 2009, 02:30 PM
I've got a few necklaces and bracelets listed. So far no sales.

I agree the fine jewellry catergory needs to be overhauled... I found it really difficult to find a suitable catergory for my items

12th December 2009, 03:08 PM
My sales here are slow, but fairly regularly I sell expensive items. It is well worth listing here, as our auctions are picked up well in google and yahoo searches!
If you have any 3 or 4mm gemstone tube or heishe beads to list, I would be glad to buy some from you!
.......By the way, did you ever get that divorce ;-) ?????

19th December 2009, 05:11 AM
I had some jewelry listed here but moved them to some where else because nothing was happening here. It is selling on the other site very well. I think until something is done with the Fine Jewelry category that it is going to stay dead, it need to be revamped to separate the different kinds of jewelry instead of throwing it all together, it would make searches easier for buyers.
I agree The categories are very thin on e bid. Management doesn't seem to grasp this, but maybe they are waiting for some unknown reason? i would seem that if they did, it would have been fixed years ago, so I'm not holding my breath on fixing the categories. I am selling a bit, but almost taking a loss on the items.

28th January 2010, 11:08 AM
I have been trying to sell Good! rings on here, all hallmarked and with authenticity as Ebay fees are very expensive. However, am sad that there are not a lot of people on this site especially when everything is free. I believe that is why I am having no success. All our proceeds go to our Missionary work and it is hard when Ebay charge as much as they do at times.
I would like Ebid to promote this site more in newspapers tv etc, I feel I have played my part by sending the link to everyone I know.
Apart from this I really do like this site so much, a community, friendly, easy to use.
Warm wishes to everyone on here

9th February 2010, 11:41 PM
Yes, same here. My jewellery is high quality upmarket stuff, but so far, I haven't sold one single piece. Perhaps I'm selling it it too cheap?

21st July 2010, 04:17 PM
I have not sold anything yet but remain hopeful,maybe it is because there is nobody looking for real gemstone jewellery, and have just added flexible keyboards very cheap to get rid of stock as they are U.S layout.
I would appreciate any suggestions on how my shop can be made any better,i only have the one at the moment.
Was selling on the dreaded feebay but to expensive to run a shop on there now,have 340 feedback there
Come and have a look...Everyday is sale day....@ realgems2u.

21st July 2010, 04:52 PM
Here are my suggestions (hope you won't be sorry you asked). Your stuff looks great, but there isn't enough of it!!!! The more things you list the more chance of a sale. Also, how about selling to the world? You will get more sales that way.
Things are slowish here sometimes, but lots of ebay sellers say the same at present. I personally think that there are now too many on line marketplaces.......however, eBid is growing and improving all the time, and is worth the effort in the long run. It is friendly here too. Good luck, and much prosperity to you.
Best wishes from OZ,

25th September 2010, 02:06 PM
Hello, everyone.

I have just uploaded almost 1000 listings, curious what will happen next.

25th September 2010, 02:46 PM
I hope you do well.

I lost one of my favourite earrings which was made of amber so I've just gone through your 165 pairs of earrings, to see if I could find something similar. Yours is one of those shops I have to close my eyes to otherwise I would probably buy the lot!:o

26th September 2010, 03:28 AM
Your Amber is delightful, and well priced.
Hope you do well here.


21st October 2010, 03:31 AM
Just had to check this thread out as I'm a newbie to eBid, (used to sell on iOffer but didn't make many sales), hope things pick up here before the holidaze. :)

Best wishes and many sales to all!

24th October 2010, 11:27 AM
I too have costume jewellery for sale but have only sold one item so far. Think there are a few far bigger fish selling jewellery and obviously because they list hugge numbers are managing to sell. (more you list = more liklihood of sales)

24th October 2010, 11:30 AM
Just had to check this thread out as I'm a newbie to eBid, (used to sell on iOffer but didn't make many sales), hope things pick up here before the holidaze. :)

Best wishes and many sales to all!

Can I just say I looked at your goods for sale but I honestly think it would attract more sales if you had photographs showing.
Just a thought.. good luck

25th October 2010, 03:49 PM
Hi caramia,

Thanks for the tip, my bf said the same thing (about the pix) after viewing my store, (I thought it was just an impatient guy thing so I kind of blew him off). Having a woman say the same thing means more to me, as most of my past buyers on other sites were female and, as everyone knows, we're much better judges of such things. :)

Thanks again and best wishes for many sales,

1st November 2010, 10:03 PM
Hi caramia,

Thanks for the tip, my bf said the same thing (about the pix) after viewing my store, (I thought it was just an impatient guy thing so I kind of blew him off). Having a woman say the same thing means more to me, as most of my past buyers on other sites were female and, as everyone knows, we're much better judges of such things. :)

Thanks again and best wishes for many sales,

Any joy yet? Hope you are luckier than I am just now...... absolutely nothing happening and I have 460 auctions running!! Just paid for lifetime subscription too!!
Oh fingers crossed it'll pick up

2nd November 2010, 01:46 AM
Hi Guys,
This is the lull before Christmas shopping, it should pick up by the end of the month!
Chin up,
Best Wishes,

5th November 2010, 08:01 PM
A very lovely regular buyer just bought 3 items, one sale was costume jewellery so am delighted.

6th November 2010, 03:41 AM

11th November 2010, 05:31 PM
Congrats! Just made 3 sales myself, vintage jewelry, quite pleased. :)

Best wishes for many sales,

11th November 2010, 05:36 PM
Things are picking up for me too!



17th November 2010, 09:31 PM
Jewelry and jewelry people rock!!!

Now if only we had a few more vintage sterling sellers, (specifically in the modernist area), this eBidder would be one happy camper. :)

Oh well, all in time...

Best wishes for many sales to all,

9th December 2010, 02:40 PM
this site is the worst place for selling. Only people watches --I think most of them are the sellers. I paid expensive membership fee. But no customers visiting. Don't trust this web site.

9th December 2010, 08:50 PM
I'd say, list away - it's not going to cost you anything unless something sells and it certainly won't sell if it's not listed.

Very true, very true. Nothing to lose really , maybe something to gain though if lucky!

9th December 2010, 08:55 PM
this site is the worst place for selling. Only people watches --I think most of them are the sellers. I paid expensive membership fee. But no customers visiting. Don't trust this web site.

Each to their own opinion , but I am happy to be here. Any sale is better than none. I am a customer as well as a seller as many of us are. I also feel the site is very trustworthy and have a lot of praise for both its sellers who help with advice etc and the site owners who personally respond when contacted!

10th December 2010, 01:02 AM
Hi Malo Treasure33,
Things can be very slow sometimes on any site. The great thing about being a seller+ on eBid is you can list as much as you want , WITH pics, for Free if you want. Everything will be picked up in google searches, often on the first page, which many people pay heaps for !!!
The thing with eBid, is you have to attract your buyers from other sites here. Email all your customers, link to your stores and auctions from you emails and blogs, and social sites. Work at it a little every day, and think of all the auction fees you will save.
Ebid provides a golden opportunity, if you use it the right way.
Best Wishes,

16th March 2011, 02:43 PM

i am quite new to ebid and at first i was really excited to find an alternative to ebay, i was so tired of paying them for everything and to paypal too so listed away.. iv sold nothing.. not one item, so have been a bit disheartened. i sell good quality costume jewellery so its difficult to cut prices for me. i think this is a brilliant site with ease of listing and no rip off fees but i click on others listings and there just dont seem to be the amount of buyers out there. everyone has heard of ebay and so thats why it works, id never heard of ebid until the day i decided to join and give it a go.

has anyone got any other suggestions and sites i could try without too much outlay? i am starting offline selling soon too which i hope will be good.


16th March 2011, 02:55 PM
You have some nice things, but no details about them..............size, materials, etc. I see you haven't asked any questions on the forums, put a link on your posts to your store, or chatted on the forum so we could get to know you.Your about me page is saying how you can't figure things out...........so would not instill confidence. Ask how to do something if you can't find the info. It's all available on threads.......and by asking. Wishing you success here there and everywhere!

16th March 2011, 03:21 PM
You have some nice things, but no details about them..............size, materials, etc. I see you haven't asked any questions on the forums, put a link on your posts to your store, or chatted on the forum so we could get to know you.Your about me page is saying how you can't figure things out...........so would not instill confidence. Ask how to do something if you can't find the info. It's all available on threads.......and by asking. Wishing you success here there and everywhere!

Agree with HM, you might want to edit your About Me page (maybe add some info. about you, your interests and your selling experiences) and participate in the forums a bit, so folks can get to know you. You can also plug your items in the Plug Your Auctions section of the forum. Some sellers also contact former customers to let them know they're seling here and some also use social networking sites, as Facebook and Twitter, to promote their items.

Good luck and best wishes for many sales to all,

17th March 2011, 01:49 AM
thanks for the input... i guess i am not used to selling myself which i will have to get used to and to explaining more about my items etc . how do i put a link onto here for store and i havent even found the plug your auctions page. i can see that the forums on here are invaluable and i look forward to becomming part of it all ... thanks for your help

17th March 2011, 02:19 AM
thanks for the input... i guess i am not used to selling myself which i will have to get used to and to explaining more about my items etc . how do i put a link onto here for store and i havent even found the plug your auctions page. i can see that the forums on here are invaluable and i look forward to becomming part of it all ... thanks for your help

eBid Knowledge Base - tips, tricks, tutorials and general help for eBid users. (http://homepage.ntlworld.com/astral.project/tips_and_tricks.htm#a0023) This site was a great help to me with instructions on how to do almost anything! Good luck to you. I am new at ebid selling and see we need to get the word out to buyers we are here! Good luck to you!

17th March 2011, 10:34 PM
thankyou for that i have saved that to favorites much appreciated i tried to plug my auction but i dont think i did it very well couldnt see how to link it to my shop doh

17th March 2011, 10:40 PM
My sales are increasing and I am very excited about that. I still have listings on Ebay but most of my listings are here. I have a lot of buyers on Ebay and I do email them as well as all the buyers I have had over the last 10 years plus all the sellers I have purchased from and the ones my friend has purchased from.

18th March 2011, 12:01 AM
thankyou for that i have saved that to favorites much appreciated i tried to plug my auction but i dont think i did it very well couldnt see how to link it to my shop doh
Go to your settings above and there is a place to set up a "signature" ..that is how I get mine on here. The link I sent does have instruction how to add link etc, when you have time to kick back and read it all that is what I did..start from the top and figure out how to do one thing at a time. Still learning!