View Full Version : paranormal etc.

4th October 2008, 06:58 PM
Hi everyone,
do you agree with me that there are not many magazines on the shelves that are about the Paranormal, ghosts, spirits, healing etc. There must be loads of us that are interested in this kind of stuff and would love to see a monthly magazine about spooky goings on. I am into the paranormal in a big way, and anything about crystals and healing would be great. I would be interested to know of your thoughts regarding this, big hugs Spiritcat xxxxx

4th October 2008, 08:14 PM
There are all sorts of magazines on this topic, but you will need to ask your newsagent about obtaining them or get a subscription direct from the publisher. Paranormal Magazine has been available for years and is widely available. A web search for that name will take you to their website where you can get an idea of their content and/or subscribe.

5th October 2008, 11:01 AM
I've got some for sale if you are interested, just click on my link :D

6th October 2008, 09:03 AM
Stitchybubbles, I see you are selling Vision Mag, did you see the articles that somersethedge wrote, it was a sad day for us all when the mag had to close,
We find Spiritcat there are the mags around, suppose we are also lucky that Glastonbury isnt that far away, either. I am into crystals ect, thou am trying to learn & take it all in is very time consumming , we have many friends who are meduims ect, & can give you further info on that type of site ect if you are interested, can pm. the details if anyone is interested.

6th October 2008, 09:10 AM
have just actualy looked the articles up that somer wrote & they are issues 21 & 22, did any of you go to the Fair the mag held in Derby 12month ago last May, because the orbs that showed up in our photos were very interesting.

6th October 2008, 04:27 PM
Stitchybubbles, I see you are selling Vision Mag, did you see the articles that somersethedge wrote, it was a sad day for us all when the mag had to close,
We find Spiritcat there are the mags around, suppose we are also lucky that Glastonbury isnt that far away, either. I am into crystals ect, thou am trying to learn & take it all in is very time consumming , we have many friends who are meduims ect, & can give you further info on that type of site ect if you are interested, can pm. the details if anyone is interested.

I wondered why I haven't seen the Vision mag for a while, such a shame as it was a really lovely read and introduction to various spiritual and paranormal subjects

6th November 2008, 07:04 PM
I would be well interested in this sort of thing...

right who wants to set up one... :)

7th November 2008, 08:32 AM
I am also in to this in a big way.I would say that I am a very spiritual person.
My great grandmother was a medium and she was very well known in her time and my grandmother was psychic. I myself have had a few strange things happen to me.
I also love crystals and everything about mother nature oh and all animals and I also like to people watch.
I have read so many books on this and I am always looking for new material to read.
We shall have to see what we can come up with.

7th November 2008, 09:31 PM
I have tons of books in that department (psychic, mediums and meditations) but haven't found the time yet to go through them. Not only am I a bookworm but also a pack rat. lol When I do, I hope you will come check them out. :D

8th November 2008, 11:24 AM
Have any of you found anyother books or mags to read, we certainly list some of our books in one of somers stores, the thing also is we all seem to keep buying but untill have finished reading we dont resale, thing alot we all seem to delve into rather than read from cover to cover. or are you all good & read from beginning to end.

11th November 2008, 05:28 PM
Well, I'm an end-to-end reader for the most part, but usually the delving is what attracts me to a book if I am looking in a shop. I'd say the downside to the end-to-end approach, for myself, is if I am put off by the first part of the book it is very likely to be put on a shelf and forgotten about. Wheras if I delved and found something interesting right away, then expanded my delving aound that, eventually all the pages would be accounted for anyway, and the thing wouldn't have been on a shelf for two years!

As I write this I am struck by the contradiction of being an end-to-end reader, while in real life I find the shortest distance between two points is the longest, seemingly most random path between them. Hmm.

I generally keep books I've read as I like to go back to them.

11th November 2008, 07:02 PM
think that what happens with us we keep them so one can go back to them also its intersting how the same subject is ofton looked at in different ways, by different people which then realy makes one think.