1st August 2008, 07:39 AM
Hello all- I just wanted to mention that I have *just* opened by auctions and ebid-store- I specialize in collectible science fiction hardbacks, fantasy hardbacks, horror hardbacks and collectible comics.

The reason I am posting this thread is that I hope to sell *alot* of books to one buyer - so IF YOU LIVE OVERSEAs - THERE IS A very VERY CHEAP way to mail them to you - starting at $20 for four or five hardbacks (the big ones), and then each book thereafter is $1 more... so you can get alot of books mailed very very cheaply.

I pack my books, padded very well, waterproof sealed in boxes - then these boxes go in a duffle bag - this bag is called an m-bag for shipping large quanitities of books (probably intitially set up for a publisher to send tons of books overseas cheaply) but just think - 30 books for like $30 dollars or so... that about $1 per books....

Only problem is that its slow - like 2 to 4 weeks to Canada, 3 to 6 weeks to England, and probably 4 to 8 weeks for Australia... but its a REALLY CHEAP WAY TO GET LOTS OF COLLECTIBLE BOOKS mailed to you for next to nothing...

So I invite you to scan my auctions - I am posting whenever I get the chance and hope to have my 2000+ PRIME CONDITION collectible hardbacks up soon, and 5000 plus collectible comics up for auction...

I have high turnover and sell cheaply... my motto is, what good is it to sit on a book on not sell it trying to get the most you can - I buy reasonably on the best of the best condition i.e. near mint never read, or very fine read once, and then make a low profit selling them cheaply....

But it adds up - just wanted you to know about the m-bag I can mail you books overseas for an average of about $1 per book....

1st August 2008, 12:27 PM
Welcome to eBid! Please put a link to your store(s) in your signature so we can visit!

5th August 2008, 12:28 AM
Hello, sorry I didnt put a link in for my auctions and comic store, however, you can search by seller DevilsAdvocate...

p.s. I am not a devil... every now and then someone e-mails me why I want to advocate the devil i.e. using a satanic name...

a devils advocate is someone who argues the other side of the point of view even if they dont believe in it... fyi... it has nothing to do with the devil.

5th August 2008, 12:55 AM
That's so funny that someone would actually email you and ask that. I would have figured everyone has heard that expression before. *Giggles*

5th August 2008, 01:11 AM
That's so funny that someone would actually email you and ask that. I would have figured everyone has heard that expression before. *Giggles*

I was thinking the same thing:)

I used to love that 'Devil's Advocate' programme that used to be on a few years ago.

At the time - it was one of the few TV programmes I wouldnt miss

5th August 2008, 05:11 AM
Welcome to ebid says crazymama

5th August 2008, 06:59 AM
No sh$t... 1/2 the American population doesnt know what a devils advocate is....

Obviously people overseas like UK and Australia and Canada are mucho more sophisticated and educated than people in the USA (seriously, thats not sarcasm)

I mean take a look at who we elected President... When he had a 90% approval rating when the war with Iraq first started, I was one of the 10% who was ranting and raving about the war and how horrible it was to kill 200,000 innocent men women AND CHILDREN to depose one man and where was the justice in that??

When I was in the 10% minority, I was ranting and raving that George Bush is the biggest mass-murderer of the 21st century (or is it 22nd now... I forget) and how that evil delusion man sleeps at night is beyond me... frankly I wish he would take a gun and blow his brains out for reasons of guilt but the man is so delusional he thinks "GOD TALKS TO HIM"...
what a piece of work...

Oh, and PLEASE BUY SOME OF MY BOOKS folks - It would be nice to have a FEW sales.. just to keep me going mind you... I have ditched ebay and stand away on principals but heck, it would be nice to have some business again! Chalk it up to CHARITY for a nice guy who stood against 90% of america on all the chat-room and websites etc... trying to make people see reason...

5th August 2008, 07:03 AM
Oh, and if Obama visits Europe again, PLEASE dont turn out to see or listen to him speak - the MORONS of USA think he is pandering to European socialists and how they love him and the attacks are killing him in the polls...

Of course if you DONT turn out to see him or listen to him speak then McSame or McBush or what-ever you call him will say *see he is so unpopular nobody wants him even in Europe* McCain is pure evil and has enlisted KARL ROVE the brains behind Bush to run his campaign and people in the USA are still being taken in by that anti-christ!!!