View Full Version : Buddy points

1st March 2008, 05:35 PM
I know that you get buddy points for several things, should people lose buddy points if they get a negative?

1st March 2008, 09:54 PM
you not nicking my buddy points i worked hard last month to get them

28th March 2008, 03:51 PM
Im new so I dont even know what a biddy point is yet.
Im sure ill learn but got to trawl through the dos and donts yet

Trouble is negatives can be left for a variaty of reasons.
not all auction related (bad spelling for one)

28th March 2008, 04:11 PM
Im new so I dont even know what a biddy point is yet.
Im sure ill learn but got to trawl through the dos and donts yet

Trouble is negatives can be left for a variaty of reasons.
not all auction related (bad spelling for one)

if your left neg fb for bad spelling then the buyer deserves the same thats just nit picking and ebid will change those negs

buddy points are what you earn for buyin , selling , and bringing new members to ebid take a look in your myebid scroll down to buddy points on right hand side and you have a buddy point link to add to your email signature or anywhere you care to place it

28th March 2008, 04:55 PM
Hmmmmmmm interesting.
I could do with a 468 x 60 banner to go with the link.
Do eBid have any or do I have to make one.

(not the best at making banners)

31st March 2008, 09:30 PM

banner making made easy!