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6th February 2008, 07:09 PM
Alternative site

The CNNMoney.com video team is interested in taping some sellers and their thoughts on the changes, pro or con. If you’re in NYC and interested in participating, please contact me, stacy_cowley@fortunemail.com. Please feel free to spread this message around to other ebay discussion groups, etc.

6th February 2008, 08:22 PM
hi this also affects other ebay sites not just ebay.com we in the uk are not satisfied either many of us are now just selling on another alternative site ebid.net , ebay have cut their own throats with stopping sellers feedback hiking the fees when they say they are cutting them it is a disgrace
Posted By dave uk unhappy : February 6, 2008 3:16 pm

6th February 2008, 10:14 PM
I have been an active seller on ebay for a while selling my own mugs. For every mug that I sold, between ebay and paypal they took £1.05 pence of each transaction between them. That's about 25% of my total selling price of my mugs. I googled for other aution sites the other night after reading about the new changes ebay are making and up popped this one. I am now running down my auctions at ebay and will concentrate on ebid to build a reputation. There is an email going around asking sellers and buyers to boycote ebay between the 18th and 25th of this month in protest of the new changes. I just wonder how this will go and how long it will be before ebay makes a u turn when the listings start to drop. In my opinion ebay is just all about making money for ebay these days. I give them a thumbs down for this.

6th February 2008, 10:18 PM
Recommending an alternative whilst airing your opinions should be done at
the link below:

The CNNMoney.com video team is interested in taping some sellers and their thoughts on the changes, pro or con. If you’re in NYC and interested in participating, please go to the link above

6th February 2008, 10:27 PM
Never mind striking from 18-25th make it permanent, that is the real solution.

6th February 2008, 10:47 PM
Recommending an alternative whilst airing your opinions should be done at
the link below:

The CNNMoney.com video team is interested in taping some sellers and their thoughts on the changes, pro or con. If you’re in NYC and interested in participating, please go to the link above

That link won't work for me Mark, so try This One (http://fsbfeatures.blogs.fsb.cnn.com/2008/02/06/ebay-rivals-circle-vulnerable-auctions-kingpin/) :)

Got mine posted:)